Command and conquer
Yes, I have mentioned Linux before. Did I ever mention that it can be fun? In Windows you have a few commands like “dir”, “cd” or “fdisk” [the last being the best for fucking up a system! 😈 ]. I … Continue reading →
Yes, I have mentioned Linux before. Did I ever mention that it can be fun? In Windows you have a few commands like “dir”, “cd” or “fdisk” [the last being the best for fucking up a system! 😈 ]. I … Continue reading →
I have been hearing quite a lot about Greta Thunberg. This kid has risen from nowhere to become the darling poster-girl of climate alarmists. That got me thinking. There are quite a few points that come to mind. Now I … Continue reading →
The Manor has seen a bit of an upheaval over the last ten days. For a start, the place is incredibly quiet. No yelling of obscenities, No demands. No clatter of things being thrown. No nothing really. Of course I … Continue reading →
I knew I shouldn’t have done it. But of course I did. The other night I was whacked after hospital visits and the like and had poured myself a few fingers of whiskey. I blame the latter in my defence. … Continue reading →