When the sky falls
Last evening this site developed a dose of hiccups.
It does that occasionally so I wasn’t too worried. I put it on life support and went to bed.
This morning the site was dead.
Well, it wasn’t actually dead, but there was a notice on the door announcing that all its resources were used up or some such meaningless garbage. Try as I might I could,’t get in to try to fix it.
I tried everything but in the end I had to fall back on the old maxim – when all else fails, use a stick of dynamite.
So now the site was just a smoking hole in the ground surrounded by rubble. Not a pretty site.
I started from scratch on a new server. But then I had to paint and decorate it to look like the old one and then I had to write in around 4,600 posts and around 66,000 comments and all from memory. It took an hour or so, but in my defence we’re looking at a couple of million words.
It is sort of working now. This is the third time I have written this little piece and somehow the other two just vanished so maybe it’s not fully functional yet. I know I have a lot of work left to do on the foundations.
But it hasn’t hiccuped yet………
Maybe your internet was “compromised” after all ???
Nah! It was probably junk. You know how you toss junk into a room and suddenly the junk falls down against the door so you can’t open said door to clear the junk?
I could not get here using the hr URL. Got that resources used up.
However Dick Puddlecote links to the latest post just fine.
Having gone to all that hassle, all I get is another whinge by the workman blaming his tools.
Right back at ya! [as they say?] Clear your browser cache and that should fix your problem. If it is a problem …
In another part of the multiverse you have written blogs in praise of James Reilly and Eamon Ryan!
Wash your mouth out! That wouldn’t happen even if there was an infinite number of alternative universes.
“4,600 posts and around 66,000 comments and all from memory” Jesus !! what an incredible memory you must have!!.
I can barely remember my bleeding name on a good day.
I clicked in last night and got the resources stuff. As it meant sod all to me I forgot about it and decided it was in good hands and lo and behold here you are again. I’m pleased to say.
At least I have a keyboard. If I had to write the lot out by hand [and my handwriting has gone to pot lately] it would have taken a bit longer.
Yep, I got the “Resources used up” too. Then, after a bit of digging, realised it was you not me.
Welcome Grizwald! The sad truth is that it’s nearly always me.
Glad I missed a few days before checking in. I was actually too busy over the last week or so to check in anywhere on the innerweb (really). I thought (medically forced) retirement was supposed to be quiet. Silly me. Glad you got the site back up.