Loss of face for vapers
There is some very bad news for all the vapers out there.
New research has shown that apparently vaping negatively affects wound healing.
This research published in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery seems to show that if you vape, your face may fall off before you get home from the surgery. Not at all good news, I would have thought.
It’s not all bad though.
You can always quit that vaping addiction [presumably without loss of face] then there is a product for you.
Nicorette Lozenges with new fruity flavour.
These were initially developed to entice children into the delights of nicotine, but I’m sure vapers will derive some pleasure too?
This is particularly prevalent in the civil service.
Excessive use of Vicks vapour steam inhalers has resulted in a horde of faceless beaurocrats.
I interestedly read until “… the authors use an animal model …”
Ok. Here we go again. Animal, model. Wow. Real life relevancy. If I find the time I’ll consider myself impressed.
Flay a bunch of rats, sew their skins back on again and then force them to inhale what’s probably a year’s worth of vapour before ripping their skins off again. Who’d be a rat in this day and age?
You’d be a good scientist for TobCon, I see 😉
Let’s change “think of the chiiiildren⢔ then to “think of the roooodents⢔.