They never warned me
There was a big fuss during the week about a storm.
Naturally they had to give it a name [Amy or Ava or something] and give it a colour code. There were dire warnings about how we would all be killed by falling trees and power lines if we so much as set foot outside our door.
By evening, their storm had passed and the wind was down to a whisper. Then they decided to cut our power! Had the lines been brought down by the calm? We’ll never know.
It was dark so I had to feel my way through the house to find a torch. I then discovered the oil-lamp was out of oil so I had to brave the falling trees and power lines and fill the lamp from the oil tank in the back yard. I battled my way against the slight breeze back into the kitchen.
With a bit of trouble I finally managed to light the lamp. The instant the lamp lit, the power came on. I swear they were having a laugh.
It’s windy again today, but they never warned me in advance. There wasn’t a whisper. Today’s wind to the best of my knowledge has no name nor colour; it is anonymous.
And this nameless wind has just torn a six inch diameter branch off one of my finest trees and it is now hanging on by a splinter. Chain-saw time!
And on top of that the front gate has torn its hinges out of the gate post so no one can get in or out without physically lifting the damn thing.
Fucking nameless wind!
The first was storm Ali, it killed 2 people. One of them, a female Swiss tourist, was asleep in her caravan when it was blown off the edge of a cliff. The other was a work man who was restoring power when a tree blew over and crushed him.
Last night’s wind was storm Bronagh and on the night shift at work last night, seemed to be more viscious than Ali, but I haven’t heard of any deaths… yet.
Indeed, those deaths were tragic. My heart goes out to the relatives.
So that was Bronagh was it? There is a theory afoot in the East here that they are deliberately named after women – they come up from the West, give us a blow job and then fuck off to England. I couldn’t possibly comment on that.
I can.. I always said my 2nd wife reminded me of a hurricane, when she came she was wet and wild, and when she left she took the house and car with her..
Will the wind ever remember?
The names it has blown in the past
And with its crutch, its old age and its wisdom
It whispers “no, this will be the last”
And the wind cries Mary
Jimi Hendrix?
Yes.It’s the last verse of “The Wind Cries Mary:
Ali, Bronagh?
Are these gender confused breezes that could be of any/either denomination.