The Gates of Hell
All I want is a gate that will open and close. Is that too much to ask of life? It would be nice to have one that detects riff-raff and keeps ’em out but on the other hand I refuse … Continue reading →
All I want is a gate that will open and close. Is that too much to ask of life? It would be nice to have one that detects riff-raff and keeps ’em out but on the other hand I refuse … Continue reading →
Grandson the Younger called in the other afternoon. He had a project to do about family trees and wanted a bit of help. I brought him out to the gardens and pointed out the tree that my sister had planted … Continue reading →
I have been doing a drop of thinking. Like most kids, I went to school in my younger years. My first school was a convent run by very scary nuns. Fortunately that only lasted a couple of years, but the … Continue reading →
Listen, you lot over in the UK. Will you ever stop whinging and whining about this Brexit thing. I am sick and tired of hearing about it. I am tired of hearing about backstops, hard exits and soft exits. I … Continue reading →