
Old people are a pain — 22 Comments

  1. “an exercise regime equivalent to a Giant Tortoise”
    Which are renowned for their longevity .
    As opposed to the permanently buzzing insects that last a few days

    • Hah!  Fair point.  I’m not sure I want to live for a couple of hundred years though.

  2. The moment that made me feel old for the first time was the day I had to go out to buy my first fridge freezer. 

  3. Awww, Don’t talk about getting old.  Next Thursday I turn Officially Old.  All the stiff knees and all the little aches and pains will not deter me from being young at heart.  The grey hair and receding hairline don’t help. 

    • And what pray do you class as Officially Old?  Over here you become an OAP at 66.  Most companies throw you on the scrap heap at 65, so you have to starve for a year until the pension kicks in.  Weird.

      • Most companies kick you to the curb at 65 here but Social Security(which you have paid into your whole life) also kicks in at 65
        Next Thursday I turn LX!


      • A local “Heritage” Steam Railway classed me as an OAP this summer, and I’m 62. The guard politely enquired as to how old I was, I replied that I now get free prescriptions (60 in the UK), but not yet a state pension, but he was quite happy to give me a reduced fare – £16 instead of £17!

  4. I have noticed that I am no longer the supple youth I once was.At the age of 80  I find that I no longer can bend down, or get up as I once did.I console myself with the thought that I am still breathing and fairly active and that in less than 2 years I will have been collecting my pension for longer than I paid into it.

    • I agree about the bending down, but I found a cure for that – one of those sticks with a little grabbing claw at the end.  Dead handy.  It does take me longer to get out of a chair though.

  5. On the subject of aches and pains…

    The Wife and I were up in our small patch of woods the other day chain sawing a fair sized birch that had come down during a storm. Now these woods adorn the side of a ridge with a very steep slope so I wasn’t about to haul up our gas powered chain saw, bar oil, gas can, tools, etc (those days are well behind me) so I opted for our grand (not so little) cordless chain saw instead.

    Long story short, cutting up the last bit of the tree required standing on the steep part of the slope instead of the more level part. I completed the last cut alright but when I attempted to come back up to the nice level path my boot slipped out from under me (damn leaves) and I went tumbling/sliding down the slope where I fetched up against the next tree.

    The point to all this is the next day, despite some minor scraps, I didn’t feel any worse in the aches and pains department. I suppose this shows exactly how I feel day to day on a normal basis?

    • It’s one of the advantages of having constant aches and pains – you don’t notice any new ones when they occur.

      Now if only I could shed this headache……..

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