
Taking a break — 8 Comments

  1. Okay, I’ll leave this here comment just to see if you’ve started yet. If it posts then perhaps you haven’t. If it doesn’t post then perhaps you have. But we won’t know until I attempt to post it.
    So let’s just call it a “Schrodinger’s Comment” shall we?

    • I started but it finished me.  Maybe I’ll convert the site to a Schrodinger version?  It will exist until someone tries to view it, at which point it will cease to exist. 

      • Doesn’t that already happen on a semi-regular basis though?
        Sorry, couldn’t resist.

        • It probably does.  Quite a few times I have gone to look for it unsuccessfully when I know it’s there.

  2. What do you do when you have something that is working well?

    I used to pull things apart and try and improve them (20 or more years ago), but now I just leave well alone…

    • Depends on what it is.  I have given up on cars, but I like breaking fixing old clocks.

  3. To err is human, but to really cock up requires a computer.
    As a retired IT man (a systems programmer way back in ’75) I know that to be the truth.

    • Very true.  But in fairness, computers would work perfectly provided they are kept well away from humans.

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