Tedious shit
There has been a bit of talk recently about the new privacy thing brought in by the EU.
I know this because I have been inundated with tons of shite from every company I have ever had dealings with telling me about their brand spanking new privacy policies. I just delete them because I don’t particularly care and can honestly think of better ways of spending my time.
Anyhows, apparently we are all supposed to fall in with the new regulations. One of them is that I have to give commenters the option of remembering their own name with little check box thingy on the comment form. Now if you can’t remember your own name then should you really be on-line? Do you have to check the label on the back of your underpants to remind yourself who you are? Or do you just visit this here site to find your last comment and hence your name? Anyways, you now have the option to forget it for good. I would remove the option but the fuckers built it into the core software.
I am also supposed to have a special page giving my “privacy policy”. In their wisdom, WordPress have even given me a template to customise. I like customising things. It gives an opportunity for the personal touch. Anyways I put it up there on the menu at the top.
Fucking red tape.
I was broadly in favour of this new Privacy thing from Brussels however for the last week or so, every single bloody firm i have ever dealt with online since first ‘discovering’ the internet in 1999 or so has spammed my inbox with ‘update to our privacy policy’. On the upside I have found several lost and fossilized email accounts I didn’t know were still ‘live’.  What however is really pissing me off is various government agencies and contractors are using this new law to circumvent answering emails. Â
I’m broadly in favour of it too. I would love to lay my hands on the cunts who added my email address to the database that spammers use.
In general though it doesn’t affect me. They are more than welcome to mine my Farcebook, Twitter and Google accounts as most of the information there is either false or else is openly available here. Come to think of it, there is more information about me here than anywhere else on the Interwebs.
I’m really pissed off with those incessant mails though. I’m thinking of adding “GDPR” to my spam filters, though they should tail off after the 25th.
I only have one commenter on my blog, perhaps it would be easier for him just to have his own page than have all that stuffI am enjoying the GDPR stuff, reading emails from all the leaches who are pleading to be kept on the list before consigning their mail to oblivion
Labels on underpants? My wife, RIP, always bought her pants at C&A – she said the label was helpful to make sure they were not back to front. I’ll get me coat
I don’t know. An extra check box on the comment form (though it might come in handy when I get senile enough to forget my own name?), all sorts of “Updating privacy policy” emails in my inbox(s), Domain Name System and Whois eventual death and destruction pronouncements, and a privacy policy for my old blog? I’m starting to think of the GDPR as the God Damned Privacy Regulation.  By the way, I do happen to agree with most of it.