This is a blank page
Blank Page
I suppose I had better explain?
As I said on a few occasions in the past, things have been quite busy at the Manor lately. My head has been somewhat preoccupied and as a result my scribblings have become more of an afterthought than an excellently thought out pile of garbage.
I need to spend a little more time on some other projects so it’s unlikely I will be around for a little while. I’m not shutting up shop just yet, and I’m not dead [or if I am, I don’t know who is writing this?] so don’t despair.
What I didn’t want was for people to arrive here and just see the last bit of trivia without an explanation as to why it hasn’t been updated. Hence the Blank Page.
Except that it isn’t blank any more.
blank reply (have to complete the set)
Another blank reply (just to add to the set). Now excuse me while I go outside and pile wood until I pass out. Or maybe I’ll just send you and email instead?
Emails are always welcome. Just don’t expect an instant response!
Heh,that’s never a problem my friend.
Are you channelling Terry Wogan?
What? You have lost me……….
Ah! Gotcha.
I hope you’ve got a Blankety Blank chequebook and pen 😉
Ta muchly.
This reminds me of those technical manuals that, whenever there would otherwise be a blank page, printed “This page intentionally left blank. They should have added “Everything on this page is a lie”. 🙂
Bye for now…
I will be back……
You are General MacArthur and I claim my prize.
Just get on with your life. Be well and hurry back.
Oi ears a laaarf