Time to stop worrying
Today is Earth Day.
Or so I am told.
This is the day when we all get together and ……..  Well. I’m not quite sure what we’re supposed to do?
I had a look around the Interwebs and maybe discover what was going on. Just like everything else though we seem to have gone overboard and turned it into a weekend thing. I remember when Paddy’s Day was just a day and now it’s a whole fucking week.
So yesterday people celebrated by chucking plastic around their supermarkets? It’s a novel idea I suppose. Today it’s all about cleaning canals and listening to birds and stuff like that.
My prediction is that when people meet up they will be fired with enthusiasm and make all sorts or resolutions to chuck away more plastic, listen to more birds and to scrub every canal and river to within an inch of it’s life.
By tomorrow it will all be forgotten.
You see, tomorrow is the Rapture. Yes – the end or the world has arrived. This is it. No more worrying about plastic in the sea, or Warble Gloaming or whatever your cause is.
Time to pack your bags and kiss your ass goodbye?
So far so good GD. The clock just ticked over to 12.01 am on the 23rd here and the world hasn’t ended yet. Looks like another false alarm. What is it with these end of the world fruit-loops?
Could you do me a favour?
We get a lot of these End of the World scares so could you possibly let me know if the world is about to end? You will always see tomorrow before I do….
Actually I learned about it because Google has their very own Doodle to celebrate this… Event?
“NASA has debunked the existence of Planet X before, calling it a hoax, but Mr Meade stands by his story.”
Kettle pot black.
Dear god. There are times, many times, when I wish Dave Allen were still here.
“the problem of excessive plastics”.
This picture full of plastics.
Computer, gloves, clothes, shoes, glasses, phones, table cloth, table, computer, camera taking the shot, the box on the table, hairband, magnifying glass, though what the fuck that has to do with spotting and collecting ‘plastic’ is beyond me. Which bit is an excessive use?
Just had a ratch around in this earthday lunacy, talk about a source of pollution, and found this which brings Orwell bang up to date.
Hah! I must pass that on to Granddaughter #1. Stop her falling for those anti-smoker videos on Farcebook.
Is that the equipment needed to clean the beach of plastic, or is it all stuff they have found floating there? I would have thought that the laptop might be slightly dysfunctional, if so? It’s a very bad quality photograph so it’s hard to tell.
‘Someone’ *hint @Grandad* might have told me that Nisaki is a bit ‘poorly’ atm? I only found out because another reader here mentioned it in passing in an email yesterday! I had noticed his blog hadn’t been updated but assumed he was in the middle of something or just enjoying a Greek Spring (like an Arab one but without the riots?).
Been one helluva shock. What we know so far.
Thanks for that but after someone else had mentioned it I went straight onto Frank’s to read up. This is what happens when you stop reading FD daily (not because of anything he’d said to OFFEND me,delicate little flower that I am *simper* but simply he always writes something that I HAVE to reply to and that has gotten
inceasingly difficult. fucking impossible. Thanks a bunch WordPress!)I wasn’t sure how confidential he wanted to keep things. [I like the way you assume I know everything, by the way?]
A dark mood indeed Grandad!
What are you taking about? I’m always in a bright and cheerful mood. I’m looking forward to the End of the World partying tomorrow. I’m told it’s to be quite rapturous.
Earth Day was first celebrated on the 22nd April 1970. The exact 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov aka Lenin was born on the 22 April 1870.
Just saying…
I’m sure he approves. If he’s still alive that is.
This conversation just took place in the Dwarf Hovel, faithfully translated out of the Denglisch, by my hand:
Me.: “‘ere Pwincess yer know that bloke what lives down in Greece, who sent me some ‘get thaied’ tobacco? Well it seems he’s got the cancer badly, terminal, all of a sudden- just like your mum*-the doctors have given him months to live.” (*Excursus: The Mother-in-Law went from feeling a ‘bit off colour’ to dead within a few weeks).
The Absolute Bestes Frau In The Entire Universe: “ach ze poor man, ve must send him ein ‘Get Well Soon‘ card”.
Germans…so delightfully…tactful.
The world ended already. We just refuse to accept it. And the wife is outside celebrating Earth Day by chopping down a Japanese honeysuckle bush. All is well.
Well, it’s now 1.24 am, and I’m still here, t’Internet is still functioning, the lights are working and the loo still flushes (I just checked). So I guess the world is still just like it always has been and will continue being.
Or am I the only one left?
Hello? Hello? Is there anybody there ……. ?
Hello? Hello? Is there anybody there â¦â¦. ?  No. It happened…..
It’s 12:30 PM here in Vermont so that means it’s well into the afternoon in good ol’ Ireland. Guess we’re still here? I hope so as I plan to finally wash all the winter/mud season dirt and salt of the cars tomorrow.
We are four hours ahead of you, so in the future, if the world does end, I can give you advance warning. Four hours to pay your bills and say your prayers?
Why should I pay my bills if the world’s going to end?
The rapture did occur, god look down at us and decided not to take anyone.
Hah! No one was worthy. We have another two thousand years to get our act in order.
According to Harold Camping, it was going to be six years ago!
Meade and Camping and the rest of them are snake oil salesmen