
Faces I could never tire of kicking – 9 — 4 Comments

  1. A good swing with a shovel saves the need for such high kicks and doesn’t get your boots messed up.

    The squelshy clang is also a more satisfying sound.

    Is there any suggestion that HNB devices will be taxed any less than conventional cigarettes?  They are, after all, still a tobacco product, unlike e-cigarettes, and therefore presumably will fall under the same heavy tax sledgehammer as any other tobacco product.  I suspect that this non-smoking fool hasn’t bothered to ascertain the difference between HNBs and e-cigarettes and thinks that they’re the same thing, just like so many anti-smokers think that vaping and smoking are the same thing because they look similar.

    Also, isn’t it ironic that so many of these anti-smoking enthusiasts seem to be poster-boys and girls for that latest Lifestyle Epidemic, obesity?  As a group they could easily form an ongoing advertising campaign for the appetite-reducing qualities of smoking tobacco: “Look, kids! This, and this, and this, is what happens when you don’t smoke.  ‘Just say no’ to pork pies – have a smoke instead!” 

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