I know my rights
It’s looking like there may be an election here in the not too distant future.
I won’t be voting.
I haven’t really been following the story, but I gather it goes something like this –
A whistle-blower in the police notified someone in authority that corruption was rife in his area, with the “favoured few” having points removed from their driving licences and generally being allowed to act above the law.
Naturally the Boys on Top didn’t like this exposé so our whistle-blower comes in for some nasty treatment, up to and including an accusation of child abuse which “accidentally” fell into his file.
This treatment was made public and they started a tribunal [nothing extraordinary about this as they hold a tribunal here if anyone so much as farts].
In the meantime there are all sorts of weird goings on in the police, with questions being asked about fraud in their training college and a mysterious half a million breathalyser tests being reported that didn’t happen.
The police commissioner comes under intense pressure and “decides to resign”.
Now our Deputy Leader happens to be Minister for Justice and the police fall within her remit. She is asked about how much she knew about the whole affair and the latest fun begins. Minister suddenly develops a severe dose of amnesia and also an inability to understand the concept of time. Evidence appears that Minister and the rest of the Gubmint are lying through their teeth, contradicting themselves at every turn and eventually they resort to ripping each other’s throats out.
So that’s why I don’t vote.
They are all liars who are in power for one reason and one reason only – to feather their own nests. The longer they stay in power the more pension they get. Electoral promises aren’t worth the paper they’re not written on. They will promise anything and renegue on all those promises once they get elected.
And apart from being liars to the core, there is fuck all difference between their manifestos anyway. It is a waste of time voting for any of them as no matter what the outcome is, there will be no changes.
There are those who will say that it’s my duty to vote and that men died in the fight for freedom to do so. Bollox. I have the freedom to vote all right but that includes the right to abstain.
So if there is an election they can count me out.
Why should I bother my arse when I am going to completely ignore them anyway, as usual?
[Grandad, I’m having to compose this offline and then copypasta it in to your comments box. Dunno if it’s a problem with your box (oooh ahhhh) or a browser thing (Chrome) but every time i try and type something the page jumps down.)
Uncannily, I just got this email from my local council:
Dear The Blocked Dwarf
Your vote matters. Donât lose it!
We understand that you may be entitled to register to vote. Registering to vote only
takes a few minutes and will mean you can vote at elections.
These are the details we hold for you:
The Blocked Dwarf
The Dwarf Hovel
123 Notellinyew Ave
Upper CrotchScratch Magna
If this is you, please visit http://gov.uk/register-to-vote and follow the instructions to
register to vote.
Even if you have recently completed a Household Enquiry Form you still need to
respond to this invitation.
You need to respond by 04 December 2017. if you donât you could be fined £80.
We will confirm when youâve been added to the electoral register.
If you are unable to complete this form online, please contact us to request a paper
For more details on electoral registration and how voting works please go to http://gov.uk/voting-in-the-uk
Love the use of the word ‘invitation’ when they mean a ‘threat’.
Fucking hell! If you don’t register they fine you? North Korea, here we come.
Just to be safe, I just registered anyway.
“here we come“? It used to be a £1000 fine! I kid you not.
Hi G.D.
Two invariables in life :
What they promise is climate what you get is weather
It doesn’t matter which party you vote for you still get a government
And every government will piss rain on you.
Thanks for the explanation, I read it in the news but had no idea what it was all about. Seems politicians are the same the world over!
Frankly I have no idea what it’s all about either. I rarely watch the news, and I tend to skip anything political on-line. Too depressing and/or boring.
Sums it up nicely.
Got off the electoral role insanity a few years back. Apart from a few envelopes addressed to ‘the occupier’ whatever the fuck that is, which get burnt, and a card or two sent to ‘the address’, (yes they really do send cards to addresses no names no titles just the address which is wholly owned approved created and registered by the council) urging someone to reply and a couple of knocks there is no downside.
Don’t tell the bastards anything. All they can do is ask and certainly don’t hand over ‘personal details for their records’.