Miracle cure
For a while now my eyesight has been failing.
Colours aren’t as sharp as I remember them. I have difficulty seeing anything at a distance. Even close up, everything seems blurred and hazy.
I know failing eyesight is to be expected in later years but this problem is quite dramatic in its onset.
This is worrying as I tend to use my sight on a daily basis, and it certainly is a help to have clear vision while driving [not that that puts some of the lunatics around here from getting behind the wheel].
I found the cure this morning and suddenly everything is crisp colourful and clear once more.
I really must clean my glasses more often…….
Reminded me of the days of yore when I was a shipyard apprentice and another slightly older apprentice said this when talking about a tradesman “he’s not blind he just can’t see fuck all”
39 years or so disappearing in an instant.
You and my wife have something in common then.
I was about to look up PMSL when I realised what it must stand for.
I don’t often LOL at anything I read, but that did the trick. (Probably because I’ve experienced times when the room seemed inexplicably fog-filled, and then I thought to remove my spex to inspect them.)