Compare and contrast
Nuclear accident in Russia sent a radioactive cloud over Europe
Relax lads. Sure it’s nothin’. Just a harmless bit of radioactivity. Aren’t we surrounded with the stuff all the time?
Second hand smoke or electrofag vapour.
Jayzus but will yiz get away from that shit. Don’t yiz know it’ll kill ya quicker than being hit by a ten ton lorry. Fuckin’ lethal, so it is. And God knows how it’s going to screw yiz up in forty years time. Lethal!
Fuckin’ lethal!!
I knew it was a mistake to let Russia in to Europe !!!
Agreed. All they ever do is dump their fallout over us.
So different to our own politicians then? They never tip their shitski over us.
Too right cobber they dump it on the other side of the world. Never shit in your own nest as the saying goes.
I have always found it somewhat amusing that nobody mentions ‘Chernobyl’ these days when talking about rising cancer rates. Maybe cigs do cause cancer (despite all the evidence), maybe diesel particles do, maybe neither of them do. What however we have known for over a century- since some French housewife thought it would be really “amusant” to make bits of stuff glow in the dark with only a pinafore for protection- known for absolute fucking certain is that radiation DOES.
And when you count up the thousands of nuclear “tests” over the years since the ’40s….. ?
and that Japanese reactor thingy that melted…’fuckyoujimmi’ or whatever it was called.
None of it is as lethal as that dangerous stuff that comes from a smouldering leaf or from vapour!
Yo fellas, do so get up to speed.
There’s a massive cloud of the stuff heading toward Japan, courtesy of N Korea.
Article written today.
Even before that, the news at the end of October: “North Korean tunnel at nuclear test site collapses with as many as 200 workers killed, Japanese media report. Experts warned pariah state’s latest nuclear test had destabilised the region.”
Dammit! I just knew I shouldn’t playing with that black market, cold war, nuke tipped, cruise missile after taking my night-time medication. I knew better but did I listen to my own warnings? Did I listen to my own experience screaming at me to not touch that control panel? Nooo…
…and poof! She was gone.
Still not sure where it landed. Is that butterball with the bad haircut from Pyongyang still alive by any chance?
History is cyclical
Too true. Hope I didn’t accidentally give it another crank.
People who live over / inside granite mutate faster.
That is why Celts are such innovators.
Sure don’t I live on a mountain of the stuff. Now I’m only a shadow of my former self.
Utter bollocks. This bit.
Though the extact location could not be pinpointed, the institute said the âplausible zone of releaseâ lies between the Urals and Volga river.
On a planet thronging with surveillance satellites that we get told about and likely many more we never hear about that can see a number plate ‘from space’. (I know they are not really in space they are inside the earths atmospheric envelope but hey never let the truth of a matter get in the way of aÂ
good storylie in da meedja.) Same goes for all these missiles kimmy boy supposedly chucks around.Fukushima was a hydrogen explosion. The reactor building that had its roof blown off and had its reactor stripped apart for maintenance. The site that reported this using japanese government pictures was pulled shortly after I read the pages as I discovered when I went back to download them.
Never believe anything seen or heard in print video or radio.
What the fuck?????