Trial by Twitter
There was a very good opinion piece in the Irish Times yesterday.
Larissa Nolan: Political correctness will hurt us all in the end.
Frankly there is little to argue with there.
I get the impression though that the piece was written before the upheaval in Google, where a bloke was fired for stating the bleeding obvious: that in effect women are biologically different from men.
So here we have two cases. One is where some fucking bimbo listened into a private conversation and one where a bloke just states a fact.
In the first case, the storm was caused by a “tweet”: âJust overheard 2 @AmericanAir attendants having a transphobic talk. We should be teaching our employees about love and inclusivity.â
Point 1. “Overheard”? Therefore the bimbo wasn’t even part of the conversation but was listening into something that was none of her fucking business.
Point 2. What the fuck is “transphobic” anyway? Is this the new fad, that anything that offends you is some sort of phobia?
Point 3. Is Bimbo a “trans”? Was she[/he?] personally offended or was Bimbo being offended on behalf of others? What you might call Second Hand Offence? If the former then tough fucking shit – don’t listen in to private conversations If the latter then it is none of your fucking business.
In the second case I gather the storm is over a statement that women are biologically different and therefore suited to different jobs. What’s wrong with that? Why the hell should a bloke lose his job over something that is patently obvious since the dawn of Man?
This political correctness has gone far too far. Personally I blame three groups.
The first group are those who read offensiveness into just about anything. If you are personally offended then tough shit. Grow a pair of balls and stop whining. If you are suffering from Second Hand Offence then you are worse – you are policing on behalf of others who may not even be offended themselves. Mind your own fucking business.
The second group is the Keyboard Warrior – straining at the leash to whip up a storm of righteous indignation without knowing any of the facts, and in most cases, just following the herd. You lot too can mind your own fucking business.
The third group are the saddest of the lot – those who take notice of these twitter storms – the police, the lawmakers and the mainstream meeja. By listening and acting upon these self-righteous cunts they are merely propagating and encouraging the mindless herd.
And I hope someone takes offence at this little brainfart.
Unlikely ;D
More’s the pity……
While I have your attention – regarding your search for pipe baccy – it appears, as has just this moment been drawn to my attention, that it’s not actually totally encompassed by the May ’17 regulations:
Not sure if relevant to any future posts you feel like making, or drawing Dick’s attention to it…
Nice, interesting catch thanks but that is for the UK, Grandad doesn’t inhabit this Septic Isle but the Polish built Emerald Extension next door.
So the law may be different there. Also the manufacturers of pipe tobacco are probably saving themselves the effort of producing packaging that will only be outlawed next time round (in other words round about next Monday …for the sake of the children..of course).
There was a time when pipe tobacco was exempt from the tax increases imposed on cigarettes, on the grounds that pipe smoking isn’t as “harmful”.
Sadly TBD is correct – Ireland is a law unto itself, and trying to become a “world leader” in smoker persecution. I can’t find any references to the proposed packaging here.
I’m too tired to take offense today. But I might feel up to taking offense tomorrow. I’ll let you know. (You might have to remind me what I’m supposed to offended about though.)
You don’t have to be offended about anything in particular. Just being offended is sufficient.
“Grow a pair of balls and stop whining.”
Ha! That’s probably worthy of offence, surely – seeing as women can’t do it, men have the advantage of already having done it and male-to-female trans folks actively want to do the opposite - so only the female-to-male trans people can do it!! You must be – err – non-transphobic, or maybe some-transphobic!
I don’t give a flying fuck if I’m some sort of phobic. I probably am but it’s not anyone else’s business unless I actually do something about it.