
Habits — 11 Comments

  1. Hi GD,

    You describe  my day to day life so well , have you been observing me ?

    I’ve always thought that the theme from Radio 4’s “Getting Nowhere fast” described the feeling so well.

    “I talk to myself much more these days I’ve found,

    half way up the stairs I stop and frown.

    What was I going to get ,and did I get it yet ?

    And more to the point was i going up or coming down ?”

    Not to worry .Until you get to the point where you’re standing in front of the toilet bowl and can’t remember what you were going to do there’s always hope .

    • One little habit I have developed lately, and it really irritates the hell out of me – quietly whistling nonsense tunes to myself.  It is really fucking annoying.

      More to the point, when you get to the stage where you’re sitting in a puddle of piss, and wondering where it came from?

      • One little habit I have developed lately, and it really irritates the hell out of me – quietly whistling nonsense tunes to myself.  It is really fucking annoying.

        That’s easy, stop listening.

        More to the point, when you get to the stage where you’re sitting in a puddle of piss, and wondering where it came from?

        At that point, which I hope you never actually reach, adult diapers are always an answer.


        Anything else I can help you with?

  2. I’m sitting on the couch reading your post. I know that there is something that I need to do, but I cannot remember what it is right now. If sit here for a little while longer, it will come to me.

    • Oh yeh. Outlook asked me to resubmit my password. I had forgotten it but I remembered eventually, so I have added it to my list of passwords. Now, what was the other thing?

      • Just set all your passwords to “incorrect”.   Then all your programmes will politely tell you what it is each time.

  3. Heard about the new ultra-high speed stairlift?  It’s designed for people who forget why they wanted to go upstairs.

    • I could do with one of those.  Stairs in this house are steep and ancient.  They only lead to one room though where Herself tends to lurk so I don’t climb ’em very often.

  4. Welcome to my W…what was the word…no it wasn’t ‘word’…sounds like it though…or was that in German?….w-w-w art?…nope not that bunny….must deal with the one on my foot though…’wartze’ is ‘wart’ in German or was I talking about the ‘wort’ as in beer making…what was that glorious term for pouring boiling water over malt?…oh yes Spargel…oh hang on that’s German for asparagus, which is white over there cos it’s grown under ground…still know all the words to that song too…♫”i’m toooo busy dodging through the flak” ♫…a 99 flake would be nice with a cuppa about now…I remember when they came in an ice cream by law and cost 99p…you won’t remember ‘pounds’ will you Granddaughter mine…we’ll be on Rabbit Pelts by then in our Post Brexit W…what was that word…?

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