A degree of humility
We are experiencing “Summer” here in Ireland.
It started a couple of days ago and is expected to last a few more days yet, when presumably it will revert to it’s normal damp greyness.
Anyhows, the temperature where I am sitting [in the shade] is currently 25C [or 72F in old money], which is almost as warm as yesterday when it hit 26 [78 in old money]. Now I know a lot if you will sneer at this and will doubtless tell me that is considered a piffling temperature where you live, but you have to take two things into consideration – humidity [or humility as some around here call it] is high so it feels a lot more like the mid thirties only a lot stickier, and also the simple fact that we aren’t used to this.
In France, most holidays were spent in the mid thirties. Humility Humidity was a hell of a lot lower though so it was very comfortable and really didn’t feel that hot at all, until the skin started going crisp and peeling off. Here today it feels like the same temperature but the only thing peeling off is the sweat.
Usually we would take our wee break down in West Cork during the first two weeks of June. This year, if we had gone we would have had two weeks of normal Summer, as I gather it rained for a fair few days, and blue wasn’t a colour you would associate with the sky. Then we would have returned home just at the fine weather started which, to put it mildly, would have been a right bummer.
Mind you, the hottest day in the Manor so far was last Friday. Here the temperature soared and even in the late evening we were gasping for breath with all the windows and doors open. It just got hotter and hotter.
Then I remembered Thursday’s power cut.
Yup. The fucking central heating had powered up into its default state and had been running at full blast all day.
So, in comparison, it’s quite cool today.
” The fucking central heating had powered up into its default state”We have storage heaters which means knowing a week before hand how the weather is going to be…with certainty which is a nice trick if you can do it. So here in Norfolk , where the weather is as stable as a Brexiteur…we can go from driving frozen rain or ‘liquid sunshine’ as they call it here to this: https://tinyurl.com/y74kbp7l and then wonder why the landlord fitted a sauna in our living room and didn’t think to charge us.(and your ‘buttons’ still aren’t working right).
Yes – we suffer a lot from liquid sunshine here too. We used to have a boiler that had to be manually lit and took half a day to heat the house, so by the time the room was comfortable it was time to go to bed. So we got a new boiler which is all automatic and [unfortunately] very silent but it does have to be reprogrammed every time there is a power cut.
And my buttons work beautifully thanks.
Bugger! Now they don’t. It seems the buttons only work when replying to a comment. Very weird…
This is going to take awhile…. Shit!
We’ve had 3 weeks of heat and humility over here in Frogland – temps averaging at 35 degrees of new money and thunderstorms every other night (with just a dozen drops of rain) which is not normal so early on as technically it is still Spring until Wednesday! Some of us light sleepers i.e. me and the dogs, were kept awake most of last night by the farmers’ (irrigation) irritation system pumping away to the beat of some heavy metal band – think “We Will, We Will Rock You!” for 12 hours! If the CH came on today murder might be committed……..
Ah yes…Â I remember Froogy Hoidays where I had banks of fans around the bed going full blast and I still couldn’t sleep.
I like hot days, and long may they continue, but I really like a cold bedroom. The colder the better.
As an unregenerate pedant, I should point out that 25C is 77F, not 72 😛
or, for the sheer pedantry and precision of it, 1.8224852071006°R (i’m a tobacco geek- i know these things).
Meh. Just a typo.
30C in England and 30C in Hong Kong are two kettles of very different fishes. In England 30C is unbearable. Why? Because of all the moaning and groaning which goes on, the very opposite of the moaning and groaning which goes on when the temperature goes below 5C. In Hong Kong no-one cares about 30C and 98% humility. It’s normal. It would kill the average Brit.
33 C in Blighty as I left the airfield this afternoon. Still too warm when I got to the social club so had to drink lager instead of beer. Then fired up sauna to complete the hotness theme…
Convert 20 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit:T(°F) = 20°C à 9/5 + 32 = 68 °FÂ
7 °C 44.6 °F
8 °C 46.4 °F
9 °C 48.2 °F
10 °C 50.0 °F
20 °C 68.0 °F
21 °C 69.8 °F room temperature
30 °C 86.0 °F
and 0 = 32 F. Wait until late November for that joy.