Conserving a religious zeal
There are some things I am a little embarrassed to admit about my past.
One of those is that, to my utter shame I was once on a committee of the local An Taisce. For UK readers, that’s a sort of Irish equivalent to the National Trust.
Okay, I was young and innocent and in my defence I will say that in those days An Taisce was purely a group concerned about conservation, mainly of buildings of interest but also of a bog or two.
Things seem to have changed.
Now An Taisce are having a hissy-fit over an article in the Farmers Journal.
So Matt Dempsey is having major doubts over Warble Gloaming? Fair play. He has seen the light along with millions of others.
According to An Taisce however, he is spreading “fake news“. According to them he must be challenged and corrected. What fucking business is it of theirs? Who the fuck are they to call down the wrath of the Environmental Protection Agency, Teagasc and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on the head of someone who is fully entitled to express a contrary view to theirs?
This is typical of the religious fervour expressed by the Church of Climate Change. They are right, and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic and must be corrected. There must be no dissent, no argument and no disagreement. They are right, no matter what anyone else says. I presume that ideally they would like Correctional Facilities for the unbelievers?
Rather ironically they state that they defend free speech and the right of the media to express and defend a wide range of viewpoints, however they concluded that âEveryone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own factsâ. So free speech is only allowed if it is approved by their religion?
What a shower of fucking wankers.
GD, there is something nasty eating it’s way out of your inbox.
I saw that. Goody! A day off….
This is like the ‘smokescreen (geddit?) of the green party promoting diesel cars to all and sundry a few years ago. They were the saviour according to the CO2 brigade. Now mainly thanks to Volkswagen fiddling the emissions software they eventually figured out that diesel is emitting soot and other pollutants fucking up the air quality that we actually need to breathe. “We didn’t know” says the muppet leader of the Irish greens. “We were misled” says he. It’s the same story with this climate change shite, the tail of vested interests wagging the political dog with a fashionable theory and woe betide the perceived heretics!
That really should have taught the Greens a lesson. Never put all your money on one horse as he may turn out to be a lame duck.
Diesel fumes have been listed by the WHO as a carcinogen worse than passive smoking since 2012. It was listed as only a ‘probable’ carcinogen in 1998. All those greenies had it wrong. So it is with warble gloaming.
Well it wouldn’t take much for diesel fumes to be worse than passive smoking, seeing as how you’d have to be exposed to passive smoking on a regular basis for several centuries before it possibly, maybe, might gave you cancer.
They should put a tax on farting and gobshite.
I’ll bet they’ve thought of that already.
It’s a bit depressing, isn’t it, that many of the entities that we chose to support in the past have subsequently changed their focus. And without telling their erstwhile patrons!
I suppose ultimately they all become political in the hopes that the politicians wi bung ’em more cash. I wonder how much gubmint funding An Taisce gets? Just a thought?
This “Fake News” meme brings to mind that old schoolyard wisdom concerning farts: ” he that smelt it, dealt it”.
From this bunch of activists claiming only their “facts” are news – anything else is fake, to the BBC’s series about the Rotherham rape gangs which make not one mention of the M word. They are all part of the problem. There is much bleating and denial, and their own “facts”, but seems to me the stench comes from them.