What the L
I am really pissed off today.
It’s one of those days when nothing seems to be working. About the only good thing about today is that at last February is over.
I have been trying to contact a plumber. Hah! I have left messages on his phone. I have sent him texts. I have dialed his phone many times, both from the landline and my mobile [in case he deliberately avoiding me] but the fucker never gets back to me. The only reason I want him in particular is that he knows the strange layout of my plumbing and I couldn’t be arsed having to explain it all to someone else.
On top of that this site is playing silly buggers again. I keep getting emails to say the site is down and then getting more mails to say it’s up again. When I check, the site seems to be fine but I still get the mails. Time to shift it to yet another server with a bit more testosterone in its system?
And the keyboard is irritating me again. Once again that fucking L is playing up but only intermittently, but it means having to re-read everything I type several times. Even worse, other random keys are going out in sympathy with the fucking L.
Now I am getting a message on my screen to tell me that “connection has been lost”. What the fuck is that about? Server acting the bollox again? Interwebs broken?
I’m beyond caring at this stage.
” Iâm beyond caring at this stage. ”
Welcome to my SAD world. Things got so bad this lunchtime I had to take diazepam, listen to half an hour of ‘Casino Royale’ (the original, bien sûr )on mp3 and have a midday sleep cos not only have I SAD and The Cold From Hell AGAIN but I is old. Fortunately a dose of Flemming, Morpheus and benzodiazepine worked it’s magic. Should see me through til my bedtime Amytripyline anyways (sometimes I do wonder if NOT giving up the booze would have been easier).
I’m not too worried about SAD once February is done and dusted. The evenings are a lot brighter and nice things are happening outside [the birds are very much in a Spring mode].
After I posted, I tried several more times to get the plumber and actually got through to him, thereby ending a quest of several weeks. He must read my brainfarts?
Ah, good old Amytripyline! Apparently it’s in very short supply here. The company that makes the stuff is having problems or something. I’d say that’s doing great things for people’s anxiety?
As I have always maintained, this digital shit ain’t all that clever…