Old enough to know better
Study Reveals Dramatic Rise In Binge Drinking Among Those Over 50
My first reaction: So fucking what?
Second reaction: Do you blame us?
a fact that one researcher called âalarming.â
Call it what you like. I don’t give a flying fuck what you call it. You can call it Donald Trump for all I care.
Those of us who have been around for half a century or more have survived this long without any nannying or bullying. We have survived without seat belts or sell by dates. We survived without all those “health food supplements”, EU safety laws and probably the majority of us have smoked. In fact the vast majority survived being surrounded by smoky atmospheres in pubs, cinemas, public transport and even our own homes. Not only have we survived but we are living longer than previous generations, so stick that in your “alarming” pipe and smoke it.
Maybe you think we are entering our dotage or “second childhood” so are thinking along the lines of saving the elderly cheeeldren? There is one thing you overlook though – we knew a world before “research” and know damn well that 99[.99]% of it is pure bollox. We know what’s good for us and we know what’s bad for us. We found out by simple experience and parental advice. We didn’t need any self appointed fucking “experts” to tell us how to live.
If anything, it’s the constant nagging, nannying and bullying that is driving us to drink.
You didn’t think of that, did you?
Here here!!! I’ll drink to that! Oh wait, I’m over 50. So I must be binge drinking.
If I drink two or more pints of beer I treat myself to a second bag of Tayto crisps. That makes me a binge crisper. Cheers!
What’s wrong with these idiots? Life is, and always has been stressful. We escape by various means, including alcohol. As in everything else we consume including food, there are risks/consequences. The lunatic nanny state continues to find ever more reasons to not be a fully-functioning happy human. I enjoy a glass or two of whiskey and at the age of over 70 could probably die very soon. If it means a blessed release from these meaningless outpourings of total garbage – bring it on.
Hi Grandad,
“Binge Drinking” (here in the Blighty at least) is a good example of junk science. I paraphrase (because the booze has addled my memory) but it went something like this:
Govt funded “scientists” set a weekly target of the number of “units” (=10mL pure ethanol) more than which it was supposed to be a Bad Thing ™ to drink. Activists then divided this by the 7 days in the week and that became the “daily limit”. Then they defined the (scarily named) “Binge Drinking” as drinking more than twice the “daily limit” in one go.
So, six pints (or equivelant) on a Saturday night makes me a “Bing Drinker”…
PS: Mine’s a pint 🙂
….doh: wrong sums
actually it’s more than *3* pints spells “Bing Drinking” Doom
Interwebs says “The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) is now out of date but advises no more than 21 units per week for men and 14 units per week for women. But also, have 2-3 alcohol-free days a week to allow the liver time to recover after drinking anything but the smallest amount of alcohol.”
How did we survive without their advice?
My brother who,s 69 ,drinks about a gallon of beer 5 or 6 days a week, he also cycles to the pub 6 miles there and 6 miles back…he,s as fit as a flea and he has done this for about 30 years, genetics might play a part because our maternal granny was a ferocious boozer in her eighties, she died aged 99
The problem today in Ireland and UK all these jobsworths from time to time make statements that the media pick up on like its true. Its all bullsh** these wasters are most likely on the taxpayer or charity payroll and this is their way to let people know they are doing something.
“Old enough to know better”… and wise enough not to care!
The old dear in the photo is over 70 never mind the “over 50s” and the one glass of red wine does not constitute a binge!
I well recall my (Irish) doctor, whom I used to see in the pub early every evening when he popped in for ‘a livener’ (as he called it), a quadruple gin and tonic, saying to me on leaving one evening ‘Oswald, I never see you except with a cigarette in your mouth and a glass in your hand, and if you carry on like this, you won’t live half your life!’ A much loved local character, he was still practicing part-time when he shuffled off aged 94. At 77, I can’t drink what I used to anymore, confining myself to two pints of best bitter on leaving work and a really stiff whiskey later, and I can proudly say that I don’t recall the last time I went to bed sober.
It’s true that I do drink a lot – but it’s not binge drinking. It’s constant…!
There is a beautiful little ditty here which goes…
He who comes to Spain and doesn’t drink wine; what the fuck’s he doing here?
(OK, it rhymes in Spanish.)