
Snowflakes on the streets of New York — 19 Comments

  1. It has been a good year so far.

    If the air purification units were to break down at the WHOs event in India, forcing the tax sponging delegates to breath the smoggy air whilst talking down vaping, I would run out of socks having laughed a few pairs off recently.

    • Indeed it has.

      I wonder if there is anyone over in India with a pair of handy wire-snips and a camera?  That would be a video to end all videos!

  2. I wonder if there is anyone over in India with a pair of handy wire-snips and a camera?  That would be a video to end all videos!

    Send Dick Puddlecote a message… 😉

  3. What Simon said about the meeja^ true!

    As my Grandad once told me “All politicians pee in the same pot” so I can’t see what they’re getting their drawers in a knot over. I’m just glad the whole circus is over for a bit.


    • I’m glad it’s over too.  Though I must confess a certain anticipation, waiting to see how many of his more outrageous policies get through.  My vote is for none.

  4. Leftist media are not in tune with reality, no fucking surprise. Nothing to see here…. 

    • Heh! What’s not to like?

      And as I just commented over at Frank D’s blog, better still, Farage has been appointed the main go-between for US / UK relations! How sweet! It really couldn’t get much better!

  5. Die Schneeflocken leiden von Existentzialismus. Sie haben alle Angst und keine Ahnung. They better get over it and face the reality that life has its ups and downs. You win some and you lose some.

    • Welcome Ben!  You have to realise that their reality is different from ours.  In their reality they are primed to think that everything will go their way and fail to even to consider that things might not.  In their world, the impossible has happened and they are at a loss to understand even the concept, let alone the facts.

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