Snowflakes on the streets of New York
I have to laugh.
First we had Brexit. The Establishment sat back in the sure and certain knowledge that the impossible could never happen. “We know what is right” they proclaimed “and the plebs wouldn’t dare vote against us”. But they did. The impossible happened.
Since the Brexit vote, the Irish meeja has never missed an opportunity to tell how wrong Brexit is. We hear of Sterling collapsing. We hear of the threats that our border with Norn Iron will once again be littered with customs posts and passport control. We see interviews with farmers who declare their business is fucked. We hear of the stream of British citizens applying for Irish passports so they can stay in the EU.
The Establishment in the UK and their minions amongst the Lower Orders took to the streets in disbelief. They demanded a new vote. “This didn’t happen – it mustn’t be allowed happen” they cried. “The voters didn’t know what they were voting for because they are all ignorant peasants.”
I think we can safely say that the Irish meeja doesn’t like Brexit.
Then we had the American elections. The Establishment sat back in the sure and certain knowledge that the impossible could never happen. “People will vote for a female version of Bill Clinton” they proclaimed, “and they would never vote for a bloke who is a complete outsider and an idiot to boot.” But they did. The impossible happened.
The Irish meeja has again gone into overdrive telling us that all the Irish in America will be repatriated. There will be World War III and all the American companies who have their headquarters here will move back across the Atlantic. We are facing 100% unemployment and Armageddon and we don’t know which is worse.
The Establishment in the US and their minions amongst the Lower Orders took to the streets in disbelief. They demanded a new vote. “This didn’t happen – it mustn’t be allowed happen” they cried. “The voters didn’t know what they were voting for because they are all ignorant peasants.”
Snowflakes on the streets of New York
I think we can safely say that the Irish meeja doesn’t like Donald Trump.
Are there similarities between the two events?
Could it possibly be that the meeja is on the side of the Establishment and only reflecting its views with no regard for democracy and election results?
Surely not?
The Meeja isn’t on the side of the establishment. The Meeja is a PART of the establishment !!
Sorry! I forgot to insert the <sarcasm> tag around that line. My fault.
It has been a good year so far.
If the air purification units were to break down at the WHOs event in India, forcing the tax sponging delegates to breath the smoggy air whilst talking down vaping, I would run out of socks having laughed a few pairs off recently.
Indeed it has.
I wonder if there is anyone over in India with a pair of handy wire-snips and a camera? That would be a video to end all videos!
Send Dick Puddlecote a message… 😉
He sometimes drops in here…..
Don’t forget cop22 in marrakesh where the moovers n shakers (10,000 of the fuckers) have all flown in to air conditioned buildings to debate, well who knows what, and, and have thrown out all journo’s who are not ‘on message’.
Heh! We got a rap on the knuckles on the news this evening for our failure to reach “targets”.
Apparently we are emitting 113 tonnes of gas a day. I challenged Herself about that and she apologised. Must stop feeding her onions and cabbage……..
Well the knuckle rapper (there’s a name for a up n coming young muscial yoof to play with) has a stunningly accurate moniker
What Simon said about the meeja^ true!
As my Grandad once told me “All politicians pee in the same pot” so I can’t see what they’re getting their drawers in a knot over. I’m just glad the whole circus is over for a bit.
I’m glad it’s over too. Though I must confess a certain anticipation, waiting to see how many of his more outrageous policies get through. My vote is for none.
It didn’t take the snowflakes long to hit the streets after the election. Were the demonstrations pre-planned?
Leftist media are not in tune with reality, no fucking surprise. Nothing to see here….
And at Snowflake Central, the gift which goes on giving:
In fairness to Trump – he does seem to have upset a hell of a lot of people?
Heh! What’s not to like?
And as I just commented over at Frank D’s blog, better still, Farage has been appointed the main go-between for US / UK relations! How sweet! It really couldn’t get much better!
Die Schneeflocken leiden von Existentzialismus. Sie haben alle Angst und keine Ahnung. They better get over it and face the reality that life has its ups and downs. You win some and you lose some.
Welcome Ben! You have to realise that their reality is different from ours. In their reality they are primed to think that everything will go their way and fail to even to consider that things might not. In their world, the impossible has happened and they are at a loss to understand even the concept, let alone the facts.