Out of step with myself
I seem to have transitioned.
I have noticed it over the last few weeks that my thoughts have been somewhat different from a couple of months ago. I don't seem to get angry so often these days and my rants are becoming increasingly sparse.
Maybe it's down to the Silly Season where everyone is on holidays and our gubmint is sunning itself on some distant beach at my expense? Maybe its because the mainstream meeja is still obsessed with that ticket touting shit in Rio and all Twitter seems to Twit about these days is "repeal the 8th".
I came across a post by Liz on Vapingpoint a couple of days ago and she nearly sums up my feelings too –
The "world out there" has gone bonkers!
In the "world out there", I am feeling more and more disappointed and out of step, out of touch, and disillusioned.
There is a large element of that here too. The world is insane and basically I have three choices
1. I can give up the fight and join the rest of the inmates in the asylum.
2. I can fight against it and carry on bashing my head off a brick wall.
3. I can withdraw and just ignore the world as if it didn't exist.
Now those of you who know me know that #1 is utterly out of the question.
#2 is the course I have been sailing for many years, but my head is starting to hurt with all that brick bashing.
So that leaves #3 which seems to be the path I have taken lately. It wasn't any conscious decision; more of a natural drift over the course of a few weeks. I have suddenly noticed that I am writing fluffy shit about libraries or broadband or even inventing surveys for myself. It must be quite some while before I called someone a cunt [apart from the survey when I named three!]?
Maybe this is just like a Summer Flu, and I'll get over it shortly? Maybe when the gubmint gets back they'll start pissing me off again? Actually, that last one is guaranteed. Maybe Doc will put me on some kind of medication? Ony the future can tell.
In the meantime I suppose I'll just carry on with the fluffy stuff.
Choice three is where I'm at these days most of the time GD. It ain't so bad, just takes a little getting used to. The world has gone bonkers, you're on the money there. And death would be preferable to choice one to me. Dropping out is a way of fighting the bastards. In fact I think the freakish types in Tobacco Control would be pissed off more by being ignored than fighting them head on. Fighting them just legitimizes their existence. I do my own thing with fellow travelers and say fuck the rest. Let the inmates of the asylum stew in their own juice. We have compulsory voting here in Australia and the thing that is pissing off politicians on all sides is the increase in informal votes the last few elections. A lot of people are not taking them or the system seriously anymore. Instead they draw pictures of penises or write 'fuck you!' or just put a blank paper in the ballot box.
Fighting the corrupt insane system head on is as you say like banging your head against a brick wall, it feels better when you stop. An old saying 'the dogs in the village bark but the caravan keeps moving on through the night'. Be the caravan GD.
Having said all that I do miss your angry rants.
I doubt very much that the anger will have gone away. There's too much idiocy and ignorance in the world for that.
I have no intention of quitting [well, not today anyway] so the caravan will indeed roll on…..
Maybe it's that mid-life crisis you thought you'd missed?
More likely to be the Late Life Crisis?
You could always go for choice #4 which is sit back, relax and just poke fun at the whole mess. This allows you to do away with the anger and use sarcasm, and snarky in it's place, something that is always beneficial for the soul. Plus you can keep up the fluffy shit and making up stuff as well since you've always been good at that.
You also haven't sent any tourists up to the bogs in awhile. Might want to look into that?