
What a fine mess — 15 Comments

  1. I have a bottle of white Rioja wine on standby in the fridge, Grandad. Keep us up to date on Charlie Keddy's performance. If he gets more than 200 independent votes I'll raise the first glass to him. I'll raise the following four or five glasses to all the other independent candidates around the country. An independent I gave my first preference to in my constituency is 'tallied' to get slightly over 2 per cent – the candidate I gave my 4th preference to might be elected to the fourth seat. Meanwhile it's back to listening to Lyric FM.

    • Apparently Charlie is getting 0.5% of the vote which isn't bad?  With a bit of luck the transfers will see him over the line.  At least he isn't last.

      • Time to raise a glass – Charlie has 207 votes so far and has risen to 0.6%.  Go on Charlie!!!

    • He is doing exceptionally well.  The latest has him at 338 votes which is a mere 11,800 votes behind the leader.  He could well catch up yet?

      • At 338 votes, and still counting, I raise my first glass of El Coto rioja wine to Charlie Keddy. If he achieves 400 votes I'll raise the second glass.

  2. Our fine mess is coming up in November and what a mess it is. I wouldn't vote for any of 'em and not feel really wrong about it. Everyone of them is a bad choice to the point that there's not even a "lesser evil" choice available.

    Perhaps I'll do a write in vote for myself? I'm sure to lose either way.

    • I believe a few ballot papers here had personal choices entered.  They would have been counted as "spoiled votes" which I think is very anti-democratic.  I should be able to vote for myself if I so wish?  I know Dame Enda votes for himself so where's the difference?

    • If you mixed 'em all up in the one slurry pit, it's very unlikely anyone could tell the difference. 

    • Ah!  Groucho Marx?  You have my deepest sympathies.  The leader here in Wicklow has no such problems.  Obviously my fellow countymen lack my appreciation for the hirsute?

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