
A pox on their houses — 19 Comments

  1. When I was a chizzler a long time ago we didn't get vaccinated against measles. Instead there were outbreaks of measles and – yippee – the schools were closed for up to a week. Those of us with measles were confined to bed and offered large mugs of warmed red lemonade a few times a day to help us sweat all kinds of bugs out of our systems. No sums; no Irish irregular verbs; no multiplication & division 'problems'; no memorisation of English poems. I don't know anything about mumps and rubella; but I don't think my generation of primary school kids had many regrets about the relationship between measles, hot red lemonade and unexpected school closures.

  2. Funny thing about statins, I have been on them for years after a mini stroke with no side effects at all. Yet I know a lot of people do suffer and can't take them. I wonder why that is? 

    • Simply because no two bodies are the same.  It just goes to show how a "one size fits all" approach is risky at best and possibly downright dangerous.

  3. The big problem is where one takes several drugs at the same time.   Tests have 'proved' that each individual drug is harmless to everything other than the one thing for which it is designed, BUT (and it is a big BUT) tests have NOT been carried out to see if one drug is not affected by another.

    The MMR combined vaccine can affect children.    What I cannot understand why it is not possible to have three separate injections, one month apart for each of the three diseases.


      • "More expensive" – and there's the reason it's not done.  The balance sheet overrides public health.

  4. When they create a vaccine for stupidity they should inject anyone who shows signs of wanting to be 'in government' no matter what their age.

  5. Can't understand why those who vaccinate keep hammering those who don't. If you have vaccinated your kids they won't get sick – what's the problem. Bitchin' for the sake of bitchin'.

    • I think the problem here is that the vaccination is not 100% successful and your vaccinated child can still get measles from an unvaccinated child. If all children were vaccinated then there would not be a problem as the herd immunity would take care of it

      • But if the vaccinations aren't 100% successful and there are risks involved, I would take that as an even more valid reason not to avail of them?

          • Interesting, and fairly convincing.  However I still maintain that no one has a right to force me to eat, drink, [smoke] or inject anything according to their whims and fancies.  It's my body [or my child's] and I should have the ultimate say.  I am more important to me than the "common good".

            • I agree with you in general  as what's to stop them chipping babies when they're born against the parents consent.


              However people can currently afford to not vaccinate their kids now because their kids are generally safe as most of the population is vaccinated. Do we really want Polio to make a comeback? If you don't,  then vaccination is a must

                • No, apply an element of compulsion as well.

                  If you leave important medical decisions up to people with no knowhow in that field, and not enough smarts to develop any, then kids go unvaccinated, and herd immunity drops. When this happens, kids catch measles and whatnot, and some die from it whilst others are crippled for life.

                  These deaths and disabilities are completely preventable, by enforcing vaccinations on pretty much everybody. If you let idiots make their own minds up, some choose wrong and piss in the pot for everyone else.

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