
Search for a Lost Childhood — 10 Comments

  1. A la recherche du temps perdu, by Marcel Proust perhaps? Maybe not: you haven't mentioned muffins (called madelines in French)  and coffee. 

    If you sometimes feel that you have written all you can since 2006 it may now be time to consider an autobiographical account of the evolution of your blogsite. Or ask Herself to write your biography. Call it Himself by Herself

    • No.  Not Proust.

      If herself wrote my biography, half would be eliminated because of profanities and the other half would be unpublishable for fear of litigation.

  2. Tom Sharpes book "The Great Pursuit" – the character Peter Piper was eternally writing a book of this title in different styles.

    • Hah!  Spot on.  I thought it rather appropriate considering my eternal attempts to write something of interest.

      I wondered if anyone get it as it doesn't exactly jump out of Interweb searches [though I see Rambles now features?!!].  It would take a Tom Sharpe fan, even though "The Great Pursuit" isn't one of his better ones, in my humble opinion.

      Hats off to you Mick!


  3. Ah, that reminded me of this:-

    Into my heart an air that kills
    From yon far country blows:
    What are those blue (maybe in your case green?) remembered hills,
    What spires, what farms are those?

    That is the land of lost content,
    I see it shining plain,
    The happy highways where I went
    And cannot come again.

    …….sorry, bit over the top for a Monday.

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