
My daily recommended guideline — 4 Comments

  1. Amen to that,sounds almost as bad as all the fat families sitting on a couch watching other people stuck in a house for no good reason.

    • There seems too be a hell of a lot of programmes these days showing twats competing to lose weight or "get fit" or some other "healthy" theme.  Are they trying to tell us something?  Are we supposed to care?

      • Only if you watch the damn thing. You need to get a rocking chair on a verandah instead…sit herself out there with the telly box and you can sit by the fire and take a pipe…of course of she reads this before you this will be the other way round so wrap up warm winter's coming.

  2. So does this mean we can send them off our own byproducts, Gillian McKeith style? I’m sure they’d be delighted to receive any (ahem) feedback.

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