Remembering the forgotten
Over the last couple of days it seems that there was some kind of compulsory law to write about Robin Williams.
I find all this faux grieving somewhat saddening. It is typical of the modern culture that idolises the cult of the celebrity.
I was saddened by his passing as I liked some of his films, but that was it. I can't see why I should grieve more for him than for any of the hundreds who commit suicide in Ireland every year. They too represent a tragic event in the lives of their families. They too have sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers, yet their final act of desperation goes relatively unnoticed except in their immediate communities.
They estimate that four hundred people kill themselves in Ireland each year, but seeing as coroners have a habit of recording "accidental death" or "death by misadventure" to spare the feeling of the families, the true figure will be a hell of a lot higher.
There is international panic over the Ebola outbreak in Africa yet the deaths there pale into minute insignificance compared to the death toll from suicide here, and the toll increases each year as the pressures imposed by an uncaring society become increasingly hard to tolerate.
Every day the papers triumphantly announce another death on our roads and the craw-thumping powers that be cry about tougher legislation to cut road deaths, yet far more people die by suicide and get barely a mention. And it is those self same righteous who impose a society which is evermore demanding and ever less caring about the individual.
So grieve for Robin Williams if you must, but spare a thought for those closer to home.
Just because you haven't heard their name doesn't make them less important.
You have an uncanny knack of writing what I'm thinking !
So why don't you write what you're thinking??
your chances of contracting…..EBOLA….zilch
I agree!……people waste too much time on the rich and famous!…I'm sorry about Robin passing, but that's it. I don't know the man and neither do the people who leave all those heartfelt messages! It's almost enough to make ya sick!
Human ablity to empathize with those they know through many years of films and comidic appearences makes you sick ? That says more about you than those people leaveing messages tbh
begone supershadow
Hah! Brilliant! [and welcome Stephanie ]
The fallacy there is that you "know" a person through their screen appearences. What you know is the persona they portray. As I said above, I was sad to hear of his passing [and the manner] but let's keep things in proportion….
Since we're being honest…I said it was enough to almost make me sick!…..It's the people crying and carrying on like they KNOW him that I'm upset about.
I have never seen him in a film, on TV or heard him on radio, but (via Guido) having watched the first minute of this :-
I am sure that he is a fucking moron. His only fucking adjective is fucking 'fucking'. What the fucking fuck is wrong with him? Fucking hell!
The greatest love of my life killed herself this week 20 years ago. I can never forget or understand why. Any suicide is a terrible impact on those who know and love them.
My deepest sympathies. Every suicide is a family tragedy. I had a cousin who drowned himself at the age of 22 over thirty years ago. I also knew a neighbour lad aged 24 who killed himself almost ten years ago. Thousands attended the funeral. So many friends and relatives are still wondering 'what if…' But there will never be an answer.
As for the tragic deaths of celebs – they are the subject of intensive media frenzy; they leave sadness among their fans; their relatives are devestated. Celeb deaths should be remarked upon, but their deaths are not as important as the thousands of deaths caused by famines and wars. Page One of a newspaper should report priority news such as disease epidemics, famines, earthquakes, wars and political corruption. Priority and perspective are operative words for the practice of journalism IMHO.