I am not offended
A cartoon has been published in an Australian newspaper.
People have apparently been offended.
Aw diddums.
What do I think of the cartoon?
It's not clever, nor even mildly funny. I have seen far better on toilet walls.
Am I offended?
Not in the slightest bit. A cartoon cannot offend me unless I choose to be offended. And I choose not to.
What do I make of the paper publishing the cartoon?
Absolutely 100% weapons grade, industrial strength pure indifference. If they want to publish poor cartoons that's their business. It doesn't affect me,
What does annoy me is that some group who apparently set themselves up as representatives of the Irish should actually complain to the newspaper.
Why can't these whingers grow some balls?
Kinda late on such things now the economy is growing at 4% this year and something around the same next …..Also its not even funny just a attention grabber kinda sweet daw
They keep saying the economy is recovering but I haven't seen any sign of it yet. Maybe that recovery only applies to ploiticians and bankers?
will take time but in cork theres definate signs of it cork is buzzing again its nice to see strange as that sounds
Have to agree that the cartoon, of minimal artistic skill, makes no personal impact. A yawny filler in a newspaper. So Australia is anxious to recruit Irish nurses, is it? Ironically during the celtic tiger boom the Irish health authorities actively recruited Filipina nurses for Irish hospitals. Lovely sincere people the Filipinas. I hope many of them are still looking after the sick in Ireland's hospitals.
Its not true iv been to oz many time the aussies like us iv met many of them this imho is just a "we cant say we are worried about muslims and brown people so lets pick on the pastie white guys who are basicly us" its cowardness and boreing cowardness at that
wasnt hard to understand melt im saying they are useing an easy target to pick on a wider issue
Can't pick on the Darkies or the Towelheads any more – let's pick on the Paddies.
yup because after all whos a bigger threat to your counrty some irish people who have the same culture as you or people who no matter where they go violence follows them
You're right, the West is a real threat: everywhere they go, violence follows.
I have been shown ! because one level of nut baggery violence negates the others and so we should not worry about it you are right ian thank you for enlightening me *derp* and fuck we all know cultural and religious "diversity" has never ever ever ever through out history caused many wars and pointless violence right ? so importing it for no good reason makes sense it works infact shown by all those non excisting multi cultural empires the lasted the test of time
Thanks again ian your comment was insightful ! i will reprogram my bad think from now on.
A trans-gendered leprechaun? Isn't that progress?
The economic growth stuff – like the Dublin property boom – is smoke and mirrors. There is not much on the property market at the moment, so the sales of higher value properties, albeit sales at a fraction of their last price, are distorting the averages. The government is still running at a huge deficit
Ah, a bit like Greece then? Apparently we are supposed to be recovering but I've yet to see it.
Yes but falling but ya know doom and gloom v0v
Doom and gloom? No, the truth, and if there had been a bit more of the truth in the silly years the country wouldn't have gone bust
Equaly if there wasnt a world wide financial crisis at the time it wouldnt of either but what ever floats your boat
There was no world financial crisis in the early 2000s, just idiocy on the part of bankers, but don't let the facts spoil your argument