Another turd in the cesspool
I really am getting very tired of this shit.
MOTORISTS could be hit with a raft of new tolls and higher taxes to get them out of their cars and onto public transport.
There are a few reasons why I find this particularly galling.
First of all, it's more of this fucking "nudge" process. Make something as difficult as possible so we are forced to use an alternative. There is so much of this fucking nudging going on that life is becoming very difficult. I don't want to use fucking public transport and I shouldn't be penalised for that choice. If they were really serious they would make public transport cheaper and not motoring more expensive. Cunts.
Then there is the small fact that not all of us live beside a station or near multiple bus routes. If I want to use public transport, the only place I can go to is one end of Skobieville and that is one little journey I do not want to take. If I want to go any of the places I normally would drive to, it would take a flat minimum of two buses, and more often three and sometimes a train. If they think I am going to hang around in the wind and rain waiting for an overpriced succession of late unreliable buses they can fucking think again.
Next there is the simple fact that next to smokers, motorists have to pay a vastly disproportionate level of tax anyway. I already have Road Tax, VAT on petrol, excise on petrol, carbon tax, licence tax and a car-test tax and probably a few taxes I have forgotten, and I do not need another one. And in case the Idiot Varadkar doesn't realise it, transport costs affect the price of virtually everything. If I want my oil tank filled, are they going to send out a succession of blokes with jerry-cans on the bus? No, they're going to use a lorry which will cost more and I will have to cover that cost ultimately.
And then there is the final kicker –
"Addressing climate change is one of the major challenges of our generation. There is no doubt that climate change is real and that it is largely caused by human activity," he said.
And of course the EU is behind this with their fucking "emission targets".
When are they going to get it into their thick fucking skulls that there is a fucking doubt, and the longer we live the bigger the doubt becomes. This is yet another pandering to the largely discredited Church of Climatology and once again we have to pay for their idiot beliefs.
Stop the fucking world.
I want to get off.
It´s all about money. Scientists are lost. This proves it:
Hah! I don't think anyone needs to translate that one?!
Stop the fucking world.
I want to get off.
I know how you feel, GD.
I often find myself wondering if these people really are living in a parallel universe or if they are just cynically trotting out these lies in pursuit of their personal / ideological agenda(s).
I sometimes wonder if somehow I have slipped into a parallel universe! Maybe I died and have gone to hell?
Arrogance of mankind, compounded by the thieving bastard gubmints of the world. George Carlin has a good take on this …
"It's not the World that's fucked – it's us" Priceless. Modern society wrapped up in less than eight minutes. 😀
There is only one stagecoach a week where I live in Wicklow.
One a week? Jayzus but you're spoiled for choice.
When I read or hear those words 'there is no doubt climate change is rea'l as a justification of taxes to re-distribute wealth any tolerance I have for these fuckwits is degraded a little more, when the revoloution comes and in other European countries it is going to happen, I want to be the there to watch these twats scream for mercy before they meet their richly deserved painful demise.
My tolerance went through the floor long ago. They have been crying wolf for so long now they have forgotten what a wolf looks like.
How one lady in the West of Ireland deals with this crap. a way of living I am attempting to emulate I might add.
This tax upon tax upon tax is 'our own fault' to be sure. dickheads voting for dickheads then complaining when the dickheads pile the taxes on and then… going out and voting for a dickheads again. Climate change is simply the current 'poster child' of the statists tomorrow it'll be something different and will go on being something different for as long as the people of the Ireland and Britain allow it to.
Fear is all that keeps the system in place. Notice the word in that scary headline COULD. The sky could fall in before anyone reads this, it probably won't but it might. Fear of not being able to pay the prices and the taxes and the charges keeps people seeking employment in government, As these numbers only seem to grow the amount of tax requiredto pay them all rises. Taken to it's conclusion it will either suddenly collapse or everyone will be working for government… which in reality they already are because, to bring this rant to an end, every time anyone trundles along to the petrol station and 'fills up' they are agreeing to the government stealing their money.
Carlin is right the collective 'we' are fucked until the collective 'we' do something about it.