Calling all old farts
I received a plea for help yesterday.
I'm not quite sure why people turn to me in their moment of desperation. Is it because they see me as a lovable sort of father figure who they can turn to in a moment of crisis, or am I just a last desperate resort?
Yesterday's plea had an air of familiarity about it. Some of you may remember that a year ago I tried to help out a student in University College Cork? Well, it has happened again.
GOR is yet another damsel in distress. She is a final year student in UCC and in a moment of sheer ingenuity, or desperation she has turned to me.
As part of her studies, she has developed a questionnaire which she wants to present to two groups – young people from 18 to 25 and people of a mature stature, namely the over sixties. Being a university student she is of course surrounded by the former but can't seem to find any of the latter, and has turned to me for help.
Now she is quite fussy, is this one. She wants only Irish over sixties or maybe at a pinch, over sixties who are resident in Ireland. I told her that I don't know any as nearly all my readers are in the UK or the US, and that the Irish ones are just young fellas pretending to be old. I also pointed out that I hadn't a clue what age my readers are anyway, as we rarely discuss such matters. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't put her off. She must be desperate….
Anyway, if you fulfill the criteria and wish to take part just say so in a comment, and I'll send you the address of the questionnaire.
If you are too fucking vain to admit your age in public, send a comment with your real email address but use 'Help' as your name. That way you'll be bunged into moderation and the world won't see it, but I'll still send you the link.
I don't get paid for this. I must be mad.
The very least I deserve is an honorary degree from UCC?
I am willing to try and help the young lady.
BTW did you ever receive the questionnaire from EMC?
A true scholar and a gentleman!
Link sent.
As far as I remember I did EMC's one all right though I never heard the final outcome. Once they have used me, they just bugger off!!
Received and done!
Grand man yourself!
I'll help the young one. No problem.
Another true gentleman. Link sent.
I'm too young (57) and have difficulty helping myself as it is …….
Sure you can call over to UCC yourself. One of the few advantages of being a Corkman?
Canadian with Irish on me Da's side does that count? oh but only mid 50 so guess that bit does me out too =) 6 months to go till I get seniors discount at Sears!
I think that would be stretching the boundaries all right. Maybe next time?
I FEEL over 60, even if I'm not quite there. Does this count?
Thanks for the offer but for some strange reason she wants to confine it to Ireland. Something to do with culture or summat. 😉
she's studying stuff that grows in the back of the fridge??? (well someone had to make that lame joke)
You have culture in Ireland now? Better send us some over here in the UK, we are short of it.
I meet the criteria and would be glad to help 🙂
Thanks, Gloria. Link sent.
Celt – albeit resident in Wales – fits the bill regards age – 62. Can be creative …
Celt indeed, and living closer to Wicklow than to London [and possibly even to Cardiff?]. However, rules is rules and you know how I love abiding by the rules?
I'm glad to say I've spent more time in the green land of Eire than the smoke of Lunnon. Her questionnaire would probably have screwed my grey matter anyway.
I've just noticed the Union flag is missing – thanks!!
I've just noticed the Union flag is missing – thanks!!
Okay, so the medical side (the mind-sifters) of the US Naval submarine force states that for every year spent aboard submarine (WWII and the Cold War era) a man ages an average of 5 years. Sooo, that makes me somewhere in the neighborhood of around 79 I figure. Feel that way too. And I could feel Irish as well, would that count? Better yet, I could feel an Irish…make her good lookin' healthy, slim with good assets. Make her around 40 and cooperative (and very very patient).
(sigh) Alright, never mind. It's obvious I'm completely unqualified. Just so I leave a comment is all.
Yes. I think it would be stretching the criteria just a little bit? I'm surprised though that you aren't claiming to be second generation Irish or something? Most Merkans seem to claim some immediate Irish connection?
Well, no, I don't ever claim to be something I'm not. Just isn't in me to do that, but let's see anyway.
On my father's side of my family and despite the French last name, it's mostly all English (how we got the French last name is a story in itself). According to his rather extensive family tree, I'm the last direct male descendant of King Æthelberht of Wessex (rule 860 – 865) and my father was the last direct male descendant to actually carry the name, thank the gods he didn't saddle me with it. Best thing that can be said about the modern day side of that family is that the line ends with me.
My mother side was German Jew which is rather ironic since I have no business sense whatsoever. So no, considering all, I'm definitely not Irish. In fact, if I ever get to visit England again I'd better damn well stay away from Wessex as I probably owe several centuries worth of back taxes.
Admit it – you're a mongrel? Albeit a Royal Mongrel?
Oh, I'm a real junkyard dog alright but last time I had a blood test the color in the phial wasn't blue. More of a shit-brindle color if you ask me.
Since I don't live in the old sod currently I can't help the young lady. Besides life can seem different when viewed from Timbucktoo or further points east. From a statistical and demographic perspective I'd guess that the auld fellows who visit this website don't form what the opinion pollsters call a Random Sampling. Maybe a Rambling Sampling of old codgers will have to do?