Just give a little whistle
I have found a way to really piss off the dog.
She pissed me off earlier by going and rolling in something and came back into the house with each side of her neck greased with some revolting slimy black mess. I don't know what the fuck it was and I don't want to know. I had to drag her out into the garden again and hose her down which neither of us particularly enjoyed.
Anyhows, I was just messing around with some audio files, trying to recreate the sound that I have been listening to day and night for the last ten or fifteen years – my own little Tinnitus Concerto. I was wondering if I could create an opposite whistle, sort of out of phase or something that would cancel out the racket in my head.
I don't think I succeeded because my own personal whistle is still there, loud and clear.
What I did generate though was a sound that I can't hear. I must emphasise that my hearing is remarkably acute for my age [or so I have been told by a specialist] and I can hear the smallest sound at a great distance provided a) it's the only sound and b) it isn't near a frequency of around 12.5KHz. That's because my own little musical accompaniment to life is at that frequency. So the file I created is around 12.45KHz and I even added a little warble to it to make it a little more realistic.
I can't hear it.
I know I have created it because it is driving Penny nuts.
So if any of you have a dog that likes rolling in shit or dead animals, I am giving you a sample of my revenge.
Bit of rap and a synthesizer beat and you have the Christmas no 1 there !
It would knock the socks off Jedward any day.
Ha! It works on cats too. As soon as I hit play he sat bolt upright and glared at the laptop. He listened for a bit then took off running out of the room. About half way through I realized I was hearing it so it must be close to my upper limit of hearing.
Heh! So I'm causing chaos around the world! I can hear it either by sticking my head right at the speakers or by raising or lowering the frequency a bit.
Bloody hell it works on wives! I clicked play and Mrs Bucko yelled, "Stop doing that!".
Apparently it hurt her ears. Bwahahahaha!
Brilliant! 😀
I must try it on Herself. If I knew where she was……
That's cheered me up – I suffer from tinnitus too and didn't think I could hear much above 8khz. Admittedly I had to hold the iPad's speaker up to my ear, but it was definitely there. It is also possible that the dog is hearing something you can't – in the old analogue days 2nd & 3rd harmonics would often be present, albeit at very low levels. With digital processing there will be a cut-off point above which nothing will pass. If your file also contains 24.9 khz modulation your dog and cat would certainly hear it.
I generated a pure sine-wave tone at 12,440 Hz so it should be free of any harmonics. I have only played it back through the laptop speakers, but sometime I must try it through my main sound system. That should really freak the dog out…..
Is this a wind up? I know I have tinnitus and deafness in my left ear but I thought my right ear was OK. I can't hear fuck all even with the volume turned up.
Hold your ear right to the speaker and see what happens.
Herself came in just now and I played it. She couldn't hear a thing and she doesn't have any hearing problems. At least she doesn't unless I'm speaking……
I'm wearing a headset. I tried turning them around so the microphone bit is sticking into the back of my neck but I still can't hear anything. My misses can't hear anything either. Lord we are in a state – both deaf!
Blast, a duplicate (almost) please delete one (or both)!
I'm tempted to delete neither.
Holy Crap! That's Annoying!…Can't wait to play it for the dog and cat!! …:)
I wish to register a complaint! After downloading your mp3 file and playing it through my HiFi system I couldn't hear it. I already knew it was within my hearing range, so started buggering about with audio levels and graphic equalizers. Still couldn't hear it. Then I tried headphones and could just make it out. So I did a quick search and downloaded a couple of free audio programmes – a signal generator and an oscilloscope. I then discovered that my hearing rolls off sharply at about 11.5 khz – just below your clip.
Whilst experimenting with the "silly scope" I played some music through the speakers and it sounded bloody awful. I then realised this had happened once before, and I recalled that my Mordaunt Short MS20's have fuse protection for the tweeters – they were both blown… Fortunately I have some spares, and normal service has been restored. At least I know there is nothing wrong with my nigh on 30 year old system, and I must remember in future NOT to crank the volume up full just because I can't hear anything…
So you are now going to blame me for blowing up your speakers?
Heh! I didn't know it was so easy to create such chaos with just one post. I must do it more often.
300Hz-3400KHz voice frequency for telephony,after that,fuckit,you dont want to hear shadows.
Ireland is ground zero for the austerity-driven asset grab now sweeping the world.
Thank you so much, Bill. I shall now go to bed thoroughly depressed.
Well I thought Penny shouldn't be on her own.
I dig it man. Yeah yeah yeah. Elvis came nowhere near.
You should hear me when I really get going…
I couldn't hear a bloody thing but the cat left the room in a hurry!
That's a really painful noise! Not going to try it on the dog. 🙂 HE'd find a way of getting me back.
When you have that whistle in your ears for a few years you eventually get used to it. I don't even notice it now unless it gets really loud.
It's not the loudness that gets to me it's the change of pitch. Doesn't happen very often, usually when I have a cold or similar, but it really freaks me out and I've had the problem for 30 years now.
I hear nothing as well!!
Mind you, they do say that silence is golden.
Probably old age. Count your blessings.
Nope, can't hear it either but I didn't expect to being deaf and all. The woke up, gave me a disgusted look and went back to sleep. I will not play it for my wife, who has better hearing than a new born babe. I don't need a black eye you see.