Europe Day 2013
Today is Europe Day.
Or maybe it isnât?
RTE have it as their lead item, but there is fuck all mention that I can find in the printed meeja.
I decided to investigate a little further.
According to the EU itself, Europe Day is indeed the 9th, but it starts on the 4th which makes a lot of sense?
So what is this day supposed to be about? They claim it is a celebration of âpeace and unityâ across Europe. Should we really be clapping ourselves on our collective backs just because we arenât at war with each other? Yet? And the only unity that I can see is a united distrust of the EU right across Europe. At least they have the grace not to use the usual âpeace and prosperityâ, having destroyed several countries and reducing them to vassal states.
So what am I and all my happy European brothers and sisters supposed to be doing on this auspicious day?
Apparently, if I nip over somewhat sharpish to Croke Park I can enjoy the honour of shaking the hand of Lucinda Creighton. Now the only time I would voluntarily shake Lucinda Creighton by the hand is if I were suffering from a particularly nasty and virulent plague and I knew I was in the most infectious phase. Frankly, I would rather run bollock naked through a field of nettles.
I wish them well in their attempts to put a friendly facade on their thinly disguised move to control the continent, but I have a strong feeling that the only people who will be celebrating today are those who are already on the EU Gravy Train.
And those who have a bad dose of Stockholm Syndrome of course.
I wondered why it was pissing down today.
Nothing unusual about that!!
Beginning on the t4th and ending on the 9th encompassing May Day. Was it not around this time of year we used to have the military might parades around Moscow glorifying good old Communism? Coincidence?
I think it should be on February 27th?
I'll second that!
Today is also a holiday in many European countries. I guess not in Ireland or UK.
I thought holidays were banned in Ireland to help pay down the enormous
government,banksters, sorry public debt?I thought everything was banned?
Off topic but beggars belief!
Just as the religions superimposed their timetable over the old pagan festivals the EU are attempting to steal Mayday and distort it into a celebration of Europe.
What the fuck is there to celebrate? Recession? Unemployment? Emigration? The EU President's multi-million new palace? They can go fuck off.
From our side of the fence there is nothing to celebrate – I'm saying what they think they are doing
naked through a field of nettles.sorry but i find that sooo sexy must try it
It might cheer you up to know that the 10th of May is both St.Solange's Day and Bono's birthday.
So what am I and all my happy European brothers and sisters supposed to be doing on this auspicious day?
Change auspicious to read suspicious because that is what people need to become when it comes to Europe & our own fuckwit Europhile politicians. I'm not suspicious of them because I'm in no doubt they & the EU are completely corrupt to the core. Everyday that passes see's them seek & take more power while national sovereignty & individual rights are eroded.
Anybody & I mean any fucking body who listens to our politicians & votes for further EU power needs to be kicked to death, people are dumb we all know that & we all know a lot of people will vote the way the party or parties they support tell them but it frustrates me no end to hear people on the radio / TV still speaking out in favour of the EU.
I have voted against every treaty, have told every politician who I have met or who has called to my house promoting a Yes vote in a EU Referendum to Fuck Off. I Hate & Detest the EU & everything they claim it stands for. So they can take Europe fucking Day & shove it up the same place as I have told them to stick their never ending Rules, Regulations & fucking guidelines, Bastards all of them.