One thousand, one hundred and fifty.
Thatâs the number of those fucking wind turbines they want to build in the Midlands.
But, youâll say, they will be providing energy for the Irish market?
No they fucking wonât. Theyâll be providing energy for the UK market.
You see the Brits quite rightly donât want the fucking things, so the powers that be decide to lump them on the Irish. After all, the Irish never complain? And if they do feel like complaining, just bribe them to keep quiet and promise them a whole shed load of jobs.
So they are going to turn our Midlands into the green equivalent of a military cemetery, all in the name of âsaving the planetâ. Except that they will do fuck all for the planet except despoil vast tracts of Ireland. Between bribes, backhanders, tax breaks and subsidies they will do a lot for a small clique of politicians and manufacturers, but they will do fuck all for the Irish, Ireland or the climate.
Those things donât work. They are costly. They are an eyesore. They either donât work because there isnât enough wind or they have to be stalled because there is too much. The world is gradually coming to its senses and realising this, but not our beloved gubmints â too many backhanders there.
They promise that there will be hundreds of jobs as a result of this scheme. Hah! And how many of those jobs will go to locals? None. There will be employment all right but only for the specialists who have to be imported. And if jobs are so important, why not just build Famine Roads â roads that go nowhere but it gives people something to do? The roads would be just as useless and would be a great deal kinder to the environment.
Of course what will happen is that the locals will be suckered in by all that promise of employment [not to mention the â¬1,000 not to object] and will then watch all those foreign engineers and electricians descend on the place. A few hotels and bed and breakfast places might take the queenâs shilling but thatâs about it. A few years down the line, when everyone has left again, the locals will wonder what the fuck happened but by then it will be too late.
The insanity continues.
The Brits put them offshore.
True but they usually they are plonked in the Irish Sea not the midlands and they have yet to get much past the Isle of Man built and allegedly operated I may add by Danish, German and Scottish companies so a true multi national effort to rape taxpayers on both sides of the little pond.
I give you an alternative view of tall objects
Perhaps the installation of the turbines has bugger all to do with subsidies… it's a given they have bugger all to do with generating leccy!
Jayzus! Time for the tin-foil cap methinks?
Open mind old bean open mind.
These are offshore – at least they are so far off our UK shore they have climbed up yours!
Seriously though I wish you luck in fighting against these intrusive, expensive and inefficient abominations.You can be sure they are not being put there for your benefit (nor, speaking as a UK consumer, are they for ours)
Offshore = Not on UK soil.
Sadly bitter experience tells me that gubmint bullying combined with the promise of jobs will do the trick.
All you need to do is discover that it is nesting/migratory/breeding area for some endangered bird/bat/insect and file a motion with courts. That will tie it up for years. By then some one should have been able to gather/fabricate data showing the turbulence contributes to global warming.
Of course there is another way. Has anyone seen the Provisional IRA lately?
No. Just RIRA.
Doesn't really matter so long as they can use Semtex and/or shaped charges.
you rarely see these going around even when the conditions are good! white elephant in the room saving the planet!!
What is stranger still is when you have a large cluster and only a few of 'em are turning? Surely if the wind is right for the few, the rest should be fired up?
If you catch site of this situation what you are witness to is the turbines drawing power from the grid to prevent their internal gubbins from seizing up or worse going out of aligmment.
What other economic uses can be made of all that dreary flat bogland in Offaly and adjoining counties? EU environmentalists have induced Irish Governments to preserve parcels of unexploited bogland for ecological reasons. Apart from organizing special interest tours for lepidopterists (butterfly hunters to you) to designated bog parks, I can't think of much activity to benefit locals. Windmills are known to kill migrating wild birds, so I suppose they're going to maim and blow the beloved butterflies off course. They'll be known as butterfly blow-outs. My heart bleeds for all things bright and beautiful, all God's creatures big and small. Full words of the slurpy hymn here http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/a/l/allthing.htm Onward Christian soldiers and save Offaly's endangered butterflies against the demon wind generators!
That's a bit harsh on the Midlands, is it not? I know it's a flat and dreary place but some people call it home. Of course, being flat and dreary means the monstrosities will be visible from half of Ireland.
Biffo comes from the drive-through village of Clara in the Offaly flatlands.
I came to the conclusion some years back that the majority of my own people deserve to be slaves- or are just a herd of slaves in search of a master. Theyt'll make slaves of themselves for someone sooner or later. Still. It means I don't have to care about them when the next Famine comes along. Sorry for anyone offended by that but I should explain that if you are bright enough to resent that then by definition I don't mean you. I used to want to put Irish politicians in camps but to be honest I'm beginning to wonder whether I shouldn't make a bid for a regional Governor over the Irish for someone. I could enjoy myself and teach them a few things about servitude some of them seem to have forgotten. QRT and standing by.
"beginning to wonder whether I shouldn't make a bid for a regional Governor over the Irish"
Feck off! I got there first.
Well the ones offshore of Arklow look hideous.
And the few I've seen in the UK and elsewhere really spoil the landscape.
I'm sure only a very few cute hoors will benefit from these monstrosities but the Green Party (are they still around?) will be having orgasms of joy!!
Have you been around West Cork lately? Probably the most scenic corner of the land and every fucking hilltop seems to have a plantation. Hideous fucking things. And that goes for the Green Party too.