Cleaning the pipes
I enjoy cooking.
Itâs just as well as I canât let Herself near the cooker. I have learned from bitter experience that she likes to throw weird and not so digestible items into the pot. Put two of her pals in with her and you have a full blown scene from Macbeth.
I made one of my various stews last night. I have a few stew recipes and last night was the turn of the brown stew. Itâs one of the quickest to prepare and itâs one of my favourites.
It is simplicity itself. All you have to do is cut a pound or so of red meat into little pieces and fry the fuck out of them. Any red meat will do â cow, bull, horse, giant panda; whatever happens to be lying around.
While the meat is frying, make a two-and-a-half-pint pot of oxtail soup. I use the old packet for that as I like to keep life simple.
When the meat is of the colour and consistency of the gravel on the front garden path, toss it into the soup, along with a good teaspoon of hot curry powder. Chuck in three or four sliced carrots, three or four sliced parsnips, a chopped up large Spanish onion and a fistful of chopped spuds and the job is done. Just let it simmer for an hour or two.
It is fucking delicious.
Not only is it delicious, but it is the gift that keeps on giving, because the full effect is felt the following morning. Herself has been stuck in the jax for the last couple of hours, moaning softly and praying loudly. I donât call it my Dynorod stew for nothing.
It would shift a fucking mountain.
Tip: You can always tell a good Indian Restaurant if they keep their bog rolls in the fridge!
Which reminds me …. 'tis a long time since I had a decent Vindaloo!
Tried frying the onion with the meat ?
Haven't tried that with this recipe. D'you get more bang for your buck?
i think i'll try that recipe out…maybe a welcome home dindin for my fella on thursday…
Do. Don't forget to knock the mud off the spuds first though.
Knock the mud off? But that's the best part. Nothing like a bit of grit to take care of the non-digestible pieces.
Movement is good.
Gd. how about putting the cat among the pigeons and run a tobacco ad among your banners. A nice cigarette ad would work woinders for us all.
I reckon there's a huge untapped pot of money out there waiting to be ladled and who knows – you might be ahead of the legislation on this. Go for it. Show us you care.
(10% of all proceeds may be forwarded to me direct at my overseas account. Details on request).
Jesus. put the comment in the wrong article. will try to copy over…
It's freezing over here in Devon, so I've decided to try the stew.
Packet oxtail soup, you say. It'll take seven packets to make 2.5 pints of full strength soup. Is that right or do I dilute? I don't want to blow my socks off….or finish up with some insipid pap.
Welcome Sam! Add as many packets as you like. But if you really want to blow your socks off, try using 2.5 pints of whiskey instead of water. Make sure not to boil too vigorously though – it might explode.
The whisky (sorry) recipe sounds a blast. It'll be good cold – minus all the veg!
If you like your whisky without an E then that's your loss. That stuff is for wimps.
Just found your blog… it, can't stop laughing, just what I needed. Big thanks
Thanks, Terri and welcome! One does one's best to throw a little chuckle into this mad world we live in!