The Diary of Grandad Pepys
There was a heavy snowfall back in January 1982.
I remember that it was January â82 because that was when I started my diary.
Actually, it was a journal not a diary, because men donât write diaries unless they are Samuel Pepys and he is dead.
The journal was one of those A5 day-per-page yokes that offices like to issue to their minions where they are supposed to write in appointments and boring shit like that. As I never bothered keeping appointments the book was just there, waiting to be filled in. So I started writing.
I had never bothered writing anything before, but I kept at it, day after day, month after month, year after year.
I grew quite an impressive bookcase full of the things. Each day was meticulously recorded in great tedious boring detail. One thing I can guarantee is that those books will never see the inside of a publisherâs office. Each year though I tried to get a new diary that looked as near as possible to the old ones, so when they are stacked on the bookcase they look really neat and tidy.
I kept it up through the Eighties and the Nineties. The New Millennium was recorded and the diaries continued. I used to fill âem in each evening before going to bed.
One evening in 2009 I was thinking about hitting the sack, and there was the diary waiting to be filled in.
It sat there challenging me.
On the spur of the moment I said fuck that, and I went to bed.
I havenât put pen to paper since then.
Iâm not quite sure why I stopped. I am fairly sure it was because it was tedious. Each entry had become a repetition of the previous day. At times I was just tempted to enter one word to fill the entry â Ditto. It became tedious trying to find something different each day to write about. One way or another, I didnât plan on stopping. It was a spur of the moment thing and I donât regret it.
Now I canât help but wonder if the same will happen here. Will I sit down to do a scribble and just say fuck it? Will I just decide not to bother one day, and just leave this site to gather dust? The intriguing thing is that the Big Stop wonât be planned. There will be no big fanfare and no gigantic farewells. It will just stop.
I donât plan on stopping.
But then I didnât plan on stopping the journal either.
I have never understood why people keep diaries. Always baffled me. Unless you are, for example, Winston Churchill or a 13 year old girl. I would, however, like to know. So let me ask you GD . Why did you do it? What was the purpose?
A good question, and I'm not quite sure I know the answer. It did come in very handy for settling arguments over when bills were paid or when we did something particular. For a while, it was interesting looking back on what I was doing on any particular day. Even now if I bothered to read any entries, the chances are I would remember far more about that day than just what was written. Apart from that, I suppose it just became a habit.
tt, why only someone like Churchill?
We're all interesting in our own way.
Anyways Churchill could have bored the knickers off anyone just as much as the next.
I hope you keep going GD.. (and apols about my last comment.. was a bit on the harsh side I think)
Maybe tt assumes everyone's life is as dull as his own?
And what's this about your last comment? D'ya think I'm thin-skinned or wha? Stop apologising.
Well, you're not a cunt GD.. there's plenty out there who deserve my wrath. But we'll leave you off the hook. 🙂
That other fella commenting – BD, you on the other hand give off the impressions of being a total dog who deserves to be put on a leash.
Fucking hell! What did BD say or do to deserve that?
Now what the heck did I miss? All these harsh comments, BD and such that ain't there no more. Sheesh! That's what I get for snoozin'
This bit – "Gave it up when I realised it would be too easy to find out what I'd been up to. It's our anniversary – 44 years – so it must have been the right decision"
I think he's alluding to some mischief..although I could be wrong.
I can't follow half the gibberish people write these days.
What do you mean – "put on a leash"? Where have I been for the last 44 years? The diary was before marriage. And I had a really good time.
I misunderstood BD.. very sorry.. very sorry. You've redeemed yourself.
I hereby appoint you Moral Arbiter for Head Rambles. Heh!
Thanks GD, was that for me or Anne? If for me, it will be my first MA in nearly 70 years.
Why do you do it?……Maybe its better than going to the boozer and getting pissed, having the craic with the lads, chasing wimmen, having the craic with them, wearing the beer goggles, eating crap food from the chipper, going for long walks and smelling the fresh sweet air before a few scoops on the way home. Reading the papers on the throne, trolling gobshites on the interweb……….maybe missed something GD? heh!
Ah! But I did my diary bit after doing all those other things. Otherwise I wouldn't have had anything to write about…
Kept a diary until I was married. Gave it up when I realised it would be too easy to find out what I'd been up to. It's our anniversary – 44 years – so it must have been the right decision. And I thought I would just get off with a caution.
I was safe there – no one can read my writing, least of all Herself. Congratulations on your perseverance, by the way. They really out to give out medals for longevity?
Sorry, no medals. Just an ability to say "yes dear" whenever appropriate. And my writing has deteriorated in proportion to my use of a computer, so I could not now be in any danger. Just get Herself to write every document where legibility is important.
Hah! I would say same here but Herself's handwriting is ten times worse than mine [if that is possible].
The only diary I keep is about the garden. No interest at all to anyone else but it does remind me when I planted the vegetables last year. I'm still trying to work out the best times to plant, the weather here being a bit different to England. The first year I was too late with everything!!
Well I sincerely hope that you will continue for a long time.
I would really miss your daily musings.
So, please keep it up (as well) not like those lazy swine of waiter and major type people!!!!
As the whole tone of the scribble implies – I can't promise anything! 😉
Incidentally, if you referring to our good friend Manuel – He's back with a vengeance.
Oh, I did no know Manuel was back. I used to enjoy his blog – bit of catching up to do.
Thanks for the link old chap.
"tt, why only someone like Churchill?
We're all interesting in our own way."
Yeah, right. When did you escape from the Boers/bores Anne ?
Dear Anne,
Thanks for the apology. Yes, I was wild in the early Sixties and have had to behave since then. But I'm totally over that now. Fancy meeting up for a little fun?
GD: have you become a dating website?
Mix and match, I say.
Anne – you are about to learn some new tricks from an old dog. 😀
GD, I love you (in a completely non-Gay manner). Please keep the blog going as long as possible. I know it is not easy, but for us it is compulsive. As to an "old dog" I have very solid Irish roots from Roscannon and Killarny. 'Nough said?
I am really glad you put that bit in between the brackets!!
"Anne – you are about to learn some new tricks from an old dog. "
Old huh? How old we talkin' here? I do like um older, but not like geriatric age. Viag-ra only does so much.
Old dogs have a lot of experience. When they can remember it. Much fun trying…
I knew it.. total dog. Go on so shur.. I'm always up for updating the skill set. 🙂
I think I love you, (but not in a Gay way). What skills do you need?
We'll take whatever's going shur! 🙂
GD, I think you better call a halt to this thread before I cause the demise of a happy home..
I love you even more. Thanks for saving a very happy marriage. Still would like to know what skills you need.