Double time
This is getting personal.
Those fuckers out in the lane have been annoying me ever since Thursday when they dragged me out of bed.
Since then they have been creating enough noise to deafen a steel-worker and have been using my gate as a handy parking spot for their fucking dumpers and diggers, so I canât even walk out the gate, let alone drive out. I am sick and tired of the beep beep beep as they drive around backwards all the time [presumably just to annoy me].
I looked forward to Saturday and a bit of peace and quiet.
Fat fucking chance. They were out there again all day yesterday, presumably knocking back time and a half? At least they were getting the job finished.
No they werenât.
What time did they start this morning?
A Sunday morning where Sunday used to be a day of rest?
Seven oâ fucking clock.
Seven in the morning on a fucking Sunday, they start up their fucking pneumatic drills just outside my fucking bedroom window. And when they werenât pneumatic drilling they were drag-racing their fucking dumpers up and down the lane [backwards – beep beep beep again].
I swear the little cunts just dragged their heels for a couple of days so they could get double time for Sunday working.
Iâm going out there now to have a quiet word.
And blood will flow.
really? on a sunday? that is just rude!
Rude? More crass ignorance and lack of any respect for the idle classes.
Ha! They've probably struck gold out there and are 'quietly' extracting it right under your nose 🙂
They struck gold all right – double time paid out of the public purse.
Ok, a bit of a story from some time ago…
In my previous corporate IT days was working on putting in a LAN for an oil company who had bought an old post office building right opposite Buckingham Palace (Grosvenor Place to be precise). Time pressure meant that the builders were in at the same time (t'was all glass and marble stuff), and work was happening on Sundays as well. There was a guy living next door who threatened to raise an injunction to stop work as it was disturbing his peace. Guess what, the oil company wrote him a cheque for £40k and paid for him to go on holiday for three weeks!
Worth a try?
Send that oil company over here. I think there may be oil under next door's garden. Heh!
Over here, it's called "progress"!
I wouldn't mind if there were some progress but the lane is still in a terrible state. [Probably means they are finished. *sigh*]
Are you sure they are not the Garda in disguise digging for bodies?
It wouldn't surprise me. Surrounded by landfill sites and thousands of acres of bog-holes and they search under a fucking road!
Can you say, "tourists"?
Not while they are around. [Just in case….]