A bad time to call
The bug is back with a vengeance.
I mention this, not because I am looking for any sympathy [I fucking hate sympathy] but because it is pertinent to the events of this morning.
I havenât slept properly for two nights now, what with the sweats, the shivers the cough and the runny nose. I am seriously sleep deprived. Add to that the aches and the constant pounding headache [which is all over, and not just in the head] and you begin to realise that I am not quite my chirpy cheery self?
I had managed to grab about an hourâs fitful sleep this morning when the doorbell rang.
I dragged myself, snuffling and coughing to the door and opened it.
âGood morning Sir,â says a big burly bloke in a DayGlo jacket, much too cheerfully in my opinion. âDo you want to go out?â
I told him he wasnât my type.
That confused him and he started again. Did I want to take the car out in the next couple of hours as they are about to rip up the lane outside my gate. Now, according to their flyer, they were supposed to do this yesterday, but I let that pass. I told him that I had no intention of going out. I didnât bother telling him that I had every intention of curling up in a corner and dying.
About an hour later there was another ring on the doorbell.
I dragged myself to the front door and there was another DayGlo there. This time it was a wee scut of a lad. He went through the whole palaver about how he was from the council and how they were putting in a watermain and how I was to get a stop-cock and where would I like him to fit it?
I told him anatomically precisely where he could fit it.
That didnât go down too well, but I really wasnât in the mood for little cunts in DayGlos.
He told me he reckoned that the north side of the gate would be best as that was nearest to where my garden tap is.
âHow do you know where my garden tap is?â I asked him as calmly as I could muster.
âI took a look around the back of the houseâ says he cheerfully.
Now I know the law. People are allowed to walk from my gate to my front door, but outside that, anything else is trespass. I also know that under a new law I am entitled to defend my property against trespass up to and including lethal force, particularly if I perceive a threat. And a DayGlo jacket is indeed a threat to my eyes when I have a full blown headache.
He is still examining my water situation..
from the bottom of my lake.
Itâs funny but I feel a whole lot better now.
Wankers in dayglo aka jobsworths same the world over.
Well, there's one less to worry about now…..
Sorry to hear you are not well old chap. Hope you feel better soon.
However, and you know it's coming……how come sick as you are; you are having to get out of bed and answer the door, yourself. Where's the missus? Sat back with a cup of tea watching Jeremy Kyle no doubt. It's clear enough who wears the pants at The Manor.
Thank you for deliberately unasked for sympathy!
Simple answer to your query – too hungover.
I sympathize as I have it too, seems to be everywhere now but at least sleeping pills get me through the night without the awful cough waking me, have you tried them?
Hate tablets and avoid 'em where possible. I have taken to dropping one every third or fourth night though just to get a good night's sleep.
Stick this on yer gate as I have done NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL AND NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT APPLIES. Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access … info.fmotl.com/NoticeOfRemovalOfAccess.doc
Nice one, Dave. Unfortunately they would probably laugh at me if I suck up notices referring to the Queen and UK law? I wonder if there is an Irish version?
Just in passing – if people can only enter on invite, then how do you grant that invitation? Intercom on the gatepost?
GD…try my Irish grandmother's cure. Hot fruit tea with double shots of whiskey. Then take out your billyclub and beat the shit out of the dopes ringing your doorbell. (billyclub=shelaylee…sp?)
PS: Nobody ever fucked with my grandmother.
I ain't sorry you're sick so get better–now.
"…and you begin to realise that I am not quite my chirpy cheery self?"
And since when are you ever chirpy and cheery? You get worse?
Another sign to hang on your gate (all credit to me long deceased father, The Reverend Franklin E. Blanchard):
"Trespassers Will Be Violated"
He used to hang that across our driveway in Plymouth, MA. People used to park in our driveway to go to pay a bill at the telephone company. The sign worked quite well. People stopped coming at all.
Nice one Kirk M.
"Trespassers will be violated and survivors will be shot"
Even better. Adds your special touch to it.