Constitutional Convention
They are rewriting our Constitution.
Oh that that were so!
What they are actually doing is having a look at the Constitution and possibly changing some fiddly bits.
Instead of scrapping it and rewriting something up to date and snappy, they are pissing around on the perimeter, tweaking bits here and there and ignoring all the important stuff. What’s worse is that this is not only going to take ages and cost a fortune but it’s going to lead to a raft of referenda in the future.
They are considering lowering the Presidential term from seven years to five. Well, be still my beating heart! Who gives a fuck, apart from the President? It just means more fucking elections.
Lowering the voting age from 18 to 17? Another big fucking deal. I don’t hear much of a clamour from modern yoof for this? Anyway they won’t vote unless they can do it via Twitter.
A review of the Dáil electoral system? Why not? Introduce a system whereby each candidate has to sign a written pledge on their manifesto and bring ‘em to court if they fail on that pledge. Make their salaries equal to the average industrial wage and abolish all pensions until they reach pensionable age. Also make it constitutionally illegal for TDs to meddle in local politics. That would soften their fucking cough for them.
Giving Irish citizens resident outside the State the right to vote in Presidential elections? Who gives a fuck? It’s only a fucking token gesture, just like the Presidency itself.
A provision for same-sex marriage? *groan* Why does this have to be in the Constitution? I couldn’t give a rat’s arse anyway provided they don’t make it compulsory.
Amending the clause on the role of women in the home? I didn’t know there was a clause on the role of women in the home. Are they constitutionally bound to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen? Are they constitutionally obliged to have a meal ready for me when I come home from the pub? I must look into that.
Increasing the participation of women in politics? Genitalia in the Constitution? Give me strength!
The removal of the offence of blasphemy from the Constitution. Sweet fucking Jayzus! About fucking time.
How about putting some decent stuff in?
How about a clause that states that if we have a referendum that the result is binding and that they can’t keep asking us until “we get it right”?
How about a clause making private companies liable for their own mess so we don’t have to bail them out?
How about a clause saying that adults are adults and should be treated as such without vested interests and jumped up nobodies insisting on forcing/nannying/coercing/nudging us into “doing what’s good for us”?
The whole exercise is just a massive waste of money, time and effort.
Constitutional Convention my arse!
Well said. I couldn't agree more whole heartily. I go a little further and ask for the presidential office to be abolished altogether. I'd even go further again and introduce into the constitution, the fact you have been declared bankrupt in another country will not reflect on your obligations here in Ireland in so far that the ordinary person is not liable for your mess . Clean it up yourself.
There are so many important issues which are completely overlooked, and they just waste time farting around with the voting age?
Give me strength!
"The removal of the offence of blasphemy from the Constitution. Sweet fucking Jayzus! About fucking time."
Ho Ho !!
I would consider that the crime of Blasphemy is blasphemous in itself. It implies that the Deity doesn't have a sense of humour, which is pretty insulting?
Couldn't agree with you more, GD. Mind you; if "KFC Kenny & The Chickenwings" continue their five year gig in Dole Eireann, there won't be any point of a constitutional convention as by then we'll be a minor province of the Fourth Reich. I'd also like to know very much just how exactly the 66 citizens were picked for this doss-fest.
Another thing I noticed was this farce of Ireland's (snigger) presidency of the EU. As I mentioned on The Journal, that's just like letting a child sit in the drivers seat and pretend that they're driving the big fire engine. We all know who'll really be in charge.
Who are these famous 66? I don't remember the job being advertised. Are they being paid? And more important – how much?
"just like letting a child sit in the drivers seat and pretend that they're driving the big fire engine" Heh! Love it! Perfect.
I can just picture KFC Kenny having a mess when nobody's looking –
"CONVOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!" Toooooooooooooot tooooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!"
Heh! And Sarkozy rides shotgun!
How about my senate referendum????? Political amnesia is an awful thing and seemingly incurable!
You're not one of the 66 then?
And what about my amendment that Jedward be declared unconstitutional?
They'd probably get Jedwank to write the new constitution if they could 'like' write !
A constitution written in "textspeak"? Heh!
"How about a clause saying that adults are adults and should be treated as such without vested interests and jumped up nobodies insisting on forcing/nannying/coercing/nudging us into “doing what’s good for us”?"
Now that would be a clause worth turning out to vote on. Trouble is, that would then leave most of those in government with nothing to do, particularly given that as InnisEanna points out, Ireland (along with all us other EU peripherals) will soon just be an outlying province of the Fourth Reich.
If they weren't running around banning stuff and organising LBGT outreach centres and ensuring that five year olds know about the joys of same-sex marriage, well, heaven forbid, they'd be out of a job…how awful would that be?
Heaven on fucking Earth. That's where.