Shocked and stunned
Our Gubmint is shocked.
Shocked and stunned.
The Morons of Merrion Street cannot believe that so many people defied their referendum and voted no.
In their cosy little world, referendums are very straightforward â they tell us their wishes; they spend our money explaining to us why their wishes are the best and we then go out and vote in whatever it is that they want. Easy peasy.
Unfortunately for them, there are still some people around who remember that good old artefact from history called democracy. Those people remember the glory days of yesteryear when a referendum meant going out and voting yes or no according to the peopleâs wishes and [horror of horrors!] the gubmint actually accepting the will of the people.
Alas, our gubmint only remembers the new style democracy where the gubmint tells the people how to vote and the people vote that way. If by some amazing freak of nature the people vote against the gubmint then it simply runs the referendum again until the people get it right.
They are talking about setting up a permanent referendum commission. Presumably this bodyâs function will be to decide how we vote and to make sure we vote that way. They will probably simplify things and just let the commission vote on our behalf, thereby cutting out the possibility of the people getting things embarrassingly wrong.
They are finally learning the lesson from Brussels. If the old style democracy were allowed, Lisbon would have failed. If the old style democracy were allowed, the EU would more than likely cease to exist. Old style democracy cannot be allowed as the people donât know whatâs good for them.
New Democracy is the way forward. Let the gubmints decide the will of the people.
Welcome to the Brave New World.
They might buy back the electrickery voting machines again at another hundred million. Nothing would surprise anymore!
They can use them now without fear of fraud – when you know the outcome before an election then fraud is not a problem.
Just a test to see if the comment posting thingy is working again!
Aha it is.
Ombudsman for Children Emily Logan = Chocolate fireguard
Damn! Was the comment thingy broken? That's what I get for going out for the day.
Ombudsman for Children? Bring back Nurse Diesel!
You forgot to mention our humble Public Servant Phil Hogan who appears to think that Joe Stalin defined democracy. When that big ugly gombeen face fills the screen in my front room, with a look about him that suggests he'd love to climb out onto my carpet and teach me a lesson, my blood boils. As his threats come hard and fast for those who won't do his bidding, me included, it is I who would love to climb into the screen and beat the fucker black and blue. And don't get me started on that fat fuck Reilly ………..
I have reached the stage where the sight of any politician drives me into a rage. I once cheered when Gilmore got the top job, but that was now long ago when I was young and innocent. I saw his smug smirk on the news tonight and really wanted to fling a brick. I have to admit though that Reilly tops the league for top piss boiling temperatures.
What IS the boiling point of piss?……… anyone know? …. just in case it comes up in a table quiz or anything!
Give me a thermometer and a photograph of Reilly and I will tell you.