
Finally the Blog Awards — 10 Comments

  1. Hmm, thanks for NOT reminding me. I have, of course, NOT responded and have NOT voted accordingly. * cough * And, hey! That’s what ‘friendship’ is all about 😉

  2. WTF is it with me and HTML horrors! I’ll try again ….
    Hmm, thanks for NOT reminding me. I have, of course, NOT responded and have NOT voted accordingly. * cough * And, hey! That’s what ‘friendship’ is all about 

  3. Thanks very much for not voting, Max.  Very much not appreciated. [twice]  Your HTML looks fine to me [*whatever that is…*]

  4. Lol I did not threaten to kidnap myself 😉 Oh and I’m not voting for you. You got into enough bloody final categories without getting into another one….and don’t get me started on pensioners, sure we all know they are loaded 😉

  5. Val – That was another email!  Mind you, by saying that, I am narrowing the list of suspects.  And we all know that quantity does not mean quality?

  6. Well, well, congratualtions.

    So far I have voted for you every week both from the office and from my personal laptop.
    I’ve also voted for you from the UK (twice), from Ireland and on Saturday from Paris.

    But, I am not interested in your auld wan thanks.     

  7. Mossy – Thank you, kind sir.  That’s an awful lot of trouble and travel just to add a couple of votes, but I appreciate it.  

    But, I am not interested in your auld wan thanks“  You’ve met her then?

  8. Well I did not ravel to vote you know. Just happened to be away on a few trips (business and pleasure) and dropped in to read the daily blog and vote at he same time.
    Need to keep my eye on you you know!!
    And no, I have not met your dear lady but your description of her in a few postings is enough to paint a not too pretty picture.
    I’m sure she loves you though.

  9. Mossy – Thanks for spoiling my illusions.  So I am a mere incidental, huh?  And you leave my missus alone.  She’s a fine lump of a woman.

    • Mossy – Thanks for spoiling my illusions.

      Sorry about that but sure, you know you are worth it!!

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