TobaccoControl Tactics
I have been waging my personal little vendetta against the Anti-Smoker crowd for some time now.
I know some of you think Iâm a little mad. Some of you think I am deluded. Some of you think I am raising petty little quibbles about a science that is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, and that I am a lonely voice crying in the wind, as the weed slowly but surely kills me.
Indeed, compared to the general population I am a lonely voice but I am not alone. There are others out there who have also done the mathematics and who have seen beyond the lies and deceit of the Tobacco Control industry. I am not just talking about sore losers who refuse to die either. I am talking about pulmonologists, general practitioners, medical researchers, professors and other learned professionals who agree that the whole Anti-Smoker campaign is based on junk science, lies and twisted statistics.
A new web site was set up yesterday. TobaccoControl Tactics aims to expose those lies and counter the deceit. It is not funded by the Tobacco Industry. It has no vested interests. It is run purely and simply by likeminded people like myself who just want to be treated like adults and who have enough brain to question what is a blatant attempt to marginalise and stigmatise a sizeable portion of society who refuse to bow to a twisted ideology.
Their press releases eloquently explain the whole purpose of the site much better than I can.
Incidentally a list of some of the scientists is here. If you truly believe in the dangers of second hand smoke then you may find some rather surprising and discomforting reading.
There is a lot of reading in that site. There is a nice page for the true believers in the harm caused by smoke. There is an interesting page on the benefits of smoking.
All in all, it is an interesting read!
Not the most convincing advert for your cause GD, firstly it’s a wikimedia site, we all know how ‘careful’ wiki sites are about accuracy. Secondly the domain for the website is owned by a guy called Wiel Maessen in Holland, they’d smoke anything over there!
Not Green – Don’t confuse Wikimedia with Wikipedia. It’s not a site for public editing so the platform is totally irrelevant. And I fail to see what Wiel Maessen’s nationality has to do with it?
C’mon. The Cloggies are all off their rockers.
Heh! Maybe so, but as I understand it, he just set up the site. All the content is supplied by others.Â
Jayzus though, you have to admire a country that has pot cafés?
There used to be pub opposite Centraal station run by a Scouser. Spent many a happy afternoon in there and the Brown Bars of Amsterdam. And other establishments.
Not Green:
 Don’t confuse Dutch tolerance and live-and-live, with being bonkers. With a population three times that of Ireland in a land area the size of Munster, (some below sea level), they are the fourth richest Country in Europe. There is a saying that runs, “If the Irish lived in Holland, they’d flood Europe & if the Dutch lived in Ireland, they’d feed Europe.
Bonkers my arse !Â