Nailing the kitten
Do you ever have that feeling you are being watched?
I have an edgy suspicion that there is someone hanging around in this site who shouldnât be there. I donât mean reading it â I mean hanging around in the back office here where I write all my shit.
For some strange reason, a lot of people seem to think this site is a good place to try out their hacking skills. They managed it once a long time ago and created a rather nasty mess so I have been slightly paranoid ever since. I have installed all sorts of trip wires that ring little alarm bells if someone is trying to open any locked doors.
One of those trip wires that is very active is a little yoke that counts the number of times someone tries to enter by guessing my password. Itâs the electronic equivalent of trying a bunch of keys in the front door in the hopes that one will fit. If they try more than a couple of times, they are politely told to fuck off and are thrown off the property. If they sneak back in and try again, they are given an ASBO and a pet kitten is nailed to their front door. If they still donât get the message, then any time they try to access this site they will end up in the FBI site in Merka.
This morning none of the trip wires had tripped.
I tried to log in.
âYou have two remaining logons left before you are locked outâ.
What the fuck?
I very carefully typed in my user name and my password. Knowing that this laptop suffers from Keyboard Dyslexia I took great care to check each letter as I typed.
âYou have one remaining logon left before you are locked outâ.
My first thought was that someone had managed to sneak in and change the locks. I had a look around the outside but everything seemed to be quiet. There were no obscene messages on the front page or anything like that; not that anyone would probably notice any extra obscenities?
I was in a spot. My password obviously wasnât working and I only had one try left before being packed off to the FBI, never again to darken the door of this site.
Luckily I have a little back way into the site. It consists of a series of steel doors each with a high security lock. I got in.
The first thing I did was to hack my own account and I managed to change my password to an industrial strength one. It was a horrible one to remember before, and now itâs fucking impossible, so this may be the last time I manage to write here. [If anyone is looking for me, Iâll be scribbling on the FBI site instead.] I checked all the files and to be on the safe side I copied in a set I had been keeping for emergencies. I could find nothing unusual. The contents of the filing cabinets were neatly stored away and not scattered around the floor, like you see in films. It seemed to be just as I left it.
Very fucking strange.
I still have an uneasy feeling though.
I must add a few more trip wires.
But first I had better remove the kitten thatâs nailed to my front door.
Do you ever have that feeling you are being watched?
Yuck,yuck,yuck! 🙂
I was going to move all my hackers over to your site, but it’s too easy to get in. I like to give them an alternative challenge.
They were probably just trying to get in to fit a water meter!
Not Green – In which case they will get the same response the water people will get.
Actually I think it was the Israelis. One of them visited last night and registered 1684 hits on the site. Fucking Mossad at their old tricks again!
Your prowess as an IT expert never ceases to amaze!!
However, last week when i tried to submit a comment from a hotel room in Paris you accused me of writing spam!!
My flabber was gasted!
Mossy – I never cease to amaze myself. As for your comment last week, my site obviously recognised your “hotel” for what it was – a sleazy brothel.
there will be no kitten nailing! i wont’ stand for it..or any fluffy mammal >.<
just smear dog poop on the door handle that will be punishment enoughÂ
Cat – Aha! So you discovered the dog shit then? Heh!
I’ll have you know that it was a four star brothel and not sleazy at all!!
Very clean in fact!
Oh yeah? Right!
Could Cat please give us the address of that place in Paris?
Toper – Don’t you mean Mossy? Or do you know more about Cat than you are telling?