The Fiscal Treaty Fiasco
In a weekâs time we go to the polls in our referendum.
As usual the campaign has been a complete mess leaving the majority of people in total confusion.
To my mind, the treaty is quite simple. We have two choices.
We vote yes we tie ourselves to a currency that is in itâs death throes. If the currency by some miracle survives we have signed ourselves one step closer to fiscal unity which is the ultimate aim of Brussels. With fiscal unity, we will lose all financial control. Our income tax, VAT rates, corporation tax and every other fucking thumbscrew tax will be under the control of the faceless bureaucrats of Brussels and we will be left feeding off the crumbs from the table. After less than a hundred years of independence we will once more be under the thumb of a foreign power.
If we vote no, then whatever may arise, at least we will have retained a good bit of our independence. The only argument the yes side have is that we would have access to the European Stability Theory. I call it a theory, as the is a major question mark as to whether it will work or not. Certainly the markets havenât shown much faith in the idea so far.
I watched the debate on TV3 the other night. The no side was represented by Mary Lou McDonald and Declan Ganley. Both are excellent speakers and whatever about their individual politics they can hold their own in a debate. The yes side wheeled out Eamonn Gilmore and Nora Whatâshername from the fucking Dragonâs Den [What the fuck is it about the Dragonâs Den? First that cunt Gallagher running for president and now this?]. They were hopeless. Gilmore spent most of his time spluttering and rehashing the one scare-line, that the money will run out and the ATMs will be empty. The Den Wan was completely out of her depth.
To date we have heard nothing from our Glorious Leader, Dame Enda. He is trotting around the country on some kind of solo run and resolutely refuses to enter into a debate with anyone. The only conclusion I can draw is that he knows he hasnât got a prayer with the feeble arguments at his disposal. Instead we get a spluttering Gilmore or Pat Rabbitte, I get the distinct impression that Rabbitte has more than his share of doubts on the vote and is struggling to convince even himself that the vote should pass.
Probably the saddest note in the whole debacle is a headline in todayâs Independent. It sums up the whole attitude of the iPod, XFactor-generation that is being given the task of deciding our future.
âForget the Fiscal Treaty â How will you vote on Jedwardâs hair for Eurovisionâ
Truly, the country is fucked.
Enda would want to take down his infamous Five Point Plan from hereÂ Methinks it could be in breach of the Fiscal Theory.
Dame Enda is nothing short of a liar and a hypocrite. While setting himself up as a “credible alternative” to Fianna Fail, he has just continued Fianna Fail’s disastrous policy of licking up to Brussels and the banking system. He hasn’t got the balls to have any ideas of his own.
 UKIP MEP Roger Helmer
Jan M – Nice one. The clamour here is for a yes vote from the three main political parties [who all seem to have sold their soles already], so it’s nice to see an opposing view. Unfortunately that delegation didn’t get the press they deserved. Who says the press are impartial?
Dear God – you are right GD – Ireland is well and truly fucked.
i’m rolling my eyes…haven’t those twins o’d yet? ahh yes not famous enough for that yet
Oh dear God did you see Kevin Rowland’s recent photo on your Jedward link above. How fuckin’ sad is that. Baldy old fuck. Wish I had not seen that. Doo doo doo doo! Brilliant it was. Photo taken at Whitley Bay Playhouse too. Saw The Fureys there. Been in there a few times. Lived yards away at one point in my journey.Â
What is this continuing obsession of yours with Jedward? Latent homosexuality?
As for the euro, absolute economic madness. Tying countries of differing economies to one currency absolutely insane. Fuckin’ great if you make the incomes of the Swiss or the krauts. Not so good if you’re a Slav or a Dago or a Wop or a Greek shirtlifter or a Bogtrotter.
tt – ? No photo of Kevin Rowland here? There again, I have all sorts of software that filters out the shit [I’m training it to filter out Jedward at the moment].Â
The only reason I keep [twice?] mentioning that pair of toe-rags is because they keep cropping up everywhere like a very bad smell. They even appear on the backs of shop receipts, which is nearly enough to make me stop shopping.
As for the Euro.. the whole fucking world knows that a single currency can’t possibly work for vastly different economies. Everyone that is except Brussels and the politicians it sucks into its insanity. The whole financial crisis could have been avoided if individual countries had the power to revalue or devalue their own currencies against the rest. Madness.
On your Jedward link in your post it is underand click on  ‘Also in music’ on the RH side of the article
Oh and it was The Boys of the Lough not the Fureys.
(Only posted twice on this site and it’s another typo!) That televised debate was a bit one-sided wasn’t it?
BUGGER! Thanks, MikeUK. I really will have to buy a new laptop at this rate. The current one is making far too many mistakes.