Disinfecting your balls
I watched Dragonâs Den last night.
The Irish version is now famous for having introduced us to that baldy little fuckwit Gallagher, who ran for president last year. The programme has improved immeasurably since his departure.
The Irish version is also vastly superior to the British version for the simple reason that it doesnât have that cunt Duncan âall smokers are paedophilesâ Bannatyne on it.
Where was I?
Oh yes.
Last night they had the usual clatter of inventions that were so useless that you would wonder why their inventor actually invented them, let alone think that anyone would want them. Some of the inventions were distinctly on the weird side of normality and one even got backing â a greetings card that photographs you as you open it. That really is just what the world needs. How did we survive without it?
There was one invention though that made me very very sad.
A bloke came on. He was well dressed and well spoken and could well have been a doctor. He had that look about him. He introduced his invention â a yoke for cleaning golf balls.
Now naturally the concept of a ball cleaner led to a rake of sniggers and puerile jokes which considerably raised the tone of the programme, but it was the blokes pitch that perked my interest.
He reckons that golf courses are mightily unhealthy places. People actually walk on the grass, you see, and we donât know what those people might have walked in before they walked on the grass. And then there are the pesticides and other nasties that float around lawns and golf courses. Every time your ball lands on this festering bed of danger it becomes contaminated. This bloke was actually declaring that golf balls are a MAJOR health hazard and his device enables us to clean our balls [stop sniggering down the back!] and disinfect them without actually touching them.
He was laughed out of it, of course. Several of the panel commented that they didnât think there was much of a health hazard involved.
It saddened me though that this bloke was a fairly typical member of a society that now regards just about everything as a major health hazard. This Risk Averse society now looks at everything as potentially damaging to our health. It cannot enjoy itself until it has convinced itself that everything is safe and risk free.
I grew up in a world where Elf and Safety hadnât been invented, or if it had, it was being damned quiet about it. We played in the dirt, and we got dirty. For example, if a marble rolled into a pile of dog-shit, we would wipe the marble on our sleeves and carry on playing. As a result of this we grew up with good strong healthy immune systems. We didnât bother our arses with safety helmets, or elbow padding or knee guards. We just learned the hard way not to fall off whatever it was that we were on.
I felt sorry for that bloke on the Den. How could he possibly enjoy life where everything has to be assessed as a potential threat? He must be a right barrel of laughs?
Just to be on the safe side though, I suppose I had better go and check my balls to make sure they are clean?
One canât be too careful?
Can one?
Comments closed, unfortunately.
Now you got me going grandad I remember the big tins of Jacobs biscuit the shop keeper would stick his hand in grab a few put them on the scales then into a brown paper bag. The a few slices of ham onto the slicer back on same scales what joy. How many H&S regulations would he have broken today. I dont think I saw a yellow vest even on the railway in the UK till the late 70s. Today even someone muppet coming to your door with leaflets has to wear one.Â
Indeed, the world has truly gone mad on ‘elf and safety.
You now need safety shoes, hard hats, safety glasses and yellow/orange bibs just to go walking around a construction site.
Peacock – Elf and Safety should be sent back to the fifties, sixties and seventies to see how we lived then. They would freak out at the complete lack of warnings, signs and instructions. We were intelligent then, and knew how to look after ourselves.
Mossy – A very simple question….. Anyone entering a building site [not a building, just a site] has to wear a hard hat. Why? What the fuck is supposed to fall? The sky?
Good question – answer: stupidity.
I came across a new one yesterday. I had to produce I.D. to prove I was old enough to buy a pack of ciggy lighters at the Kroger supermarket. i shouted the manager to ask him if he wanted me to take my fucking shoes off as well and feel my dick. Can’t go back there now.
Elf and safety never stopped a chippy hitting his thumb with the hammer nor the sparky getting a 240 volt bite.
The bright orange bib will make it easeir to see the unlucky site worker that falls from the fifth floor (Youtube video), unfortunately his hard hat would have come off during the fall rendering it fucking useless.
As for golf, there are so many double entendres that I refuse to even
mention one in this post. (don’t lick yer balls), sorry.
tt – I think I mentioned it before but I had to produce a passport for a grocery delivery a while ago, as it contained cigarettes. The delivery bloke was younger than my daughter. He was new, and foreign otherwise I would have told him to fuck off. Only following orders!!
Patrick – Ahhhhh!! You’re right. This HiViz [or whateverthefuckyoucallthem] jackets are for the sake of YouTube videos.
Now THAT makes sense.
Pay attention. This was for cigarette LIGHTERS
I did notice that. But you must realise that cigarette lighters are much more deadly than cigarettes?
And I suppose he had a contraption called an “arsenal” for cleaning the clubs too, and er ….. expanding the business later.