Household Charge
I know I mentioned this last week, but things are beginning to heat up.
The deadline for the payment of the Household Charge is next Saturday, and to date 80% have not paid. I presume some will panic at the last moment, but there is still a massive resistance to a tax which is grossly unfair.
The latest is that they intend to call at every house that hasnât paid. This is not to collect money, but to âremindâ us. This is a blatant attempt at intimidation and I am delighted to hear that council staff are more than a little uneasy at being ordered to make these visits. And could someone please tell me the cost of sending council staff to visit well in excess of a million homes?
I hope they do call here. I will be happy to explain my reasons for not paying.
1. I am living on a pension. Why the fuck should I have to pay the same as a millionaire who lives in a massive country estate?
2. This is NOT âjustâ â¬100. The relatively low charge is to entice people into a system where they will be burdened with enormous charges starting from next year. The government is not saying what the future charge will be but it more than likely will be well into four figures.
3. I donât give a flying fuck if the people of the UK, Northern Ireland, France, Germany or the North Fucking Pole are paying charges on their properties. Thatâs entirely their business and has nothing to do with me.
4. I pay enough in taxes, VAT and excise duty. They take a large chunk of my income and they are not getting any more
5. This charge is not an Irish tax. It is being imposed on us by those career bureaucrats in Brussels and the Irish government has little say in the matter. I notice they are keeping remarkably quiet about this little snippet of information. As far as I am concerned no cunt in the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund or any of those money grubbing bottom feeders in the European Union have any jurisdiction over me. They obtained their power in Ireland through treaties where the electorate were grossly misled. through lies, threats and propaganda.
6. The government say that this money is essential for the running of local services. Tough shit. They shouldnât have handed all those billions over to the German gamblers.
This whole business of the property charge has all the hallmarks of a European effort. We are being threatened, bullied and intimidated into paying it, and that alone is reason enough in my book to tell them to go fuck themselves.
As a by the by, I was sent an interesting little video this morning [thanks, Brianf!].
I know it refers to the UK, but we are subject to exactly the same lunacy.
Now that is your fucking European Union in action.
Irish councillors are paid a salary as well as expenses, UK counterparts are not. Don’t know about the rest of the foeign interloopers.
So if they want equality with other countries, maybe that’s a good place to start? heh!
Queensland booted out the liars in their midst last week. The 80% who haven’t paid are of a similar mind. Good to see the worms turning….
With that said I’ll guarantee that the people turning the lights out will be British.
EU= a waste of fucking money, bunch of wasters and bullshitters.
Any idea how long you’ve got before they put you in jail?
and Slab:-Â GRRRRRRR !!!
the government should take notice, FF got burned at the last election, and this protest is to let them know they could be next.
Let them start with the Quangos and the expences, if they showed they were serious more people might pay.
We still are allowed free speech in Ireland TT.
Our Gubmint is only sucking up to their EU Masters at the expense of the country.
The Debt is not ours. It is the debt of the Gamblers (Bankers, Developers, Speculators, Financial Traitors and Bastards)
Without personal debt-forgiveness there will be a large section of society who will feel betrayed by the State, who will have no incentive to participate in the State and who will have no economic future in the State. This may lead to a level of social disunity that Western Europe has not witnessed since the late 1920s. The acts of the Fianna Fail/Green coalition and now the Fine Gael/Labour coalition are nothing more than a betrayal of the ordinary citizen and the consequences could be terrible.
Gary Fitzgerald on how and why the public interest has been hijacked.
Gary has it all, need I say more.
Re Not Green,
“Irish councillors are paid a salary as well as expenses, UK counterparts are not. Donât know about the rest of the foeign interloopers.”
You obviously don’t get out much,  all these gobsh**ts, whatever domination, of whatever country  are paid a very handsome salary and very handsome perks…oppps mean expenses?, courtesy of us, taxpayers giving our money to the bl**dy EU. Do wonder if Cameroons dinner’s are paid by us?, probably.
GD I hope to God your given another referendum, Â and please don’t vote Yes this time, might give us in the UK a referendum.
FGS we’re starving our old people to give taxes and fines….. to the EU leeches.
Sorry GD, just sick to death  of this creepy Euro crap, and having a bl**dy totally government and Europhile PM here.
Opppps I mentioned the G word not you GD, am off to pack my suitcase….
Not Green – The local councils are every bit as bad as central government when it comes to reckless spending and wastage. I can easily cite cases of traffic lights being erected [and maintained] in an area where there was no demand [just the opposite] and where there has never been an accident. A small example but an expensive one. Or how about a road being widened to facilitate one private entrance? Small beans but they add up at a frightening rate.
Bill – The problem that we now have in this country is that we can’t replace the government as there is no one left. Fianna Fail got us into this appalling with their corruption and a policy of turning a blind eye. The Greens are fucking useless [and are now dead in the water anyway]. Fine Gael and Labour are proving to all and sundry that they are nothing more than EU puppets. Who is left? Sinn Fein? God help us!
tt – They have announced that no one will go to jail for failure to pay the charges. They know damn well that there would be riots, not to mention not having enough jail space for 80% of the population! Heh!
The Sham – They can also damn well remove all pensions paid to corrupt politicians. Â
Slab – Actually you are wrong. As far as I am aware, the EU have made it an offence to speak out against them. I stand open to correction though. Or arrest. Whichever comes first.
Jan M – We are indeed having another referendum, but I know that we are going to be swamped with the usual lies and threats, and will ultimately be bullied into voting yes. No apologies please, and “bloody” is spelled without asterisks. 😉
The truth is there is a new bunch of crooks in office but nothing has changed. I dont understand how these Liebour gobshites are going along with this property tax. Every word the utter is lies this money is going straight to Goldman Sucks and their cronies. The main problem is these politicians are ‘over staffed’ and ‘over paid’ they care nothing whats happening to the country as long as they fill their pockets. Look at how quick they are to criminalize anyone that wont pay their tax but do nothing to the crooks who caused all this. The lesson from the UK was voting any of the 3 mail parties changes nothing Ireland is learning that lesson now.
Awww! I was looking forward to posts from Ireland’s most cantankerous auld lag. ‘and the auld triangle…..”