A weighty problem
The latest propaganda campaign is running nicely I see.
Articles in newspapers and debates on television about the Obesity Epidemic here in Ireland. Some items are more subtle, such as âreality showsâ on television where people compete to lose the most weight.
Itâs all for our own good of course.
It is all so fucking familiar.
The phrases being used are taken straight out of the Righteous Manual of Tobacco Hatred. We are hearing phrases like âwe all know there is an obesity epidemicâ and âthe cost to our over-burdened public health systemâ. We are being given âstartling factsâ such as two thirds of all men and over half all women are overweight or obese.
What a pile of steaming horse shit.
Take a walk through any city, town or village and take a look at the pedestrians. Are two thirds of men wobbling along wheezing for breath? No. You might see one or two but they are very much the exception. How many women do you know who overflow their chairs? Not many, I will bet. Of all the people I know, maybe one or two could stand to lose a few pounds but the rest are fine, normal, healthy people.
The first skirmish in The Obesity War is on its way. They want all restaurants, cafes and the like to put the calorie value on every item on the menu. This of course is the ringer for the âhealth warningsâ on tobacco. And like the âhealth warningsâ it is a load of bollox. Is it going to work? Except for a few gullible morons who believe everything they hear without question, the calorie count will be completely ignored, just as those daft warnings about sterility and instant death are ignored on tobacco products.
Of course after a while, The Righteous are going to announce that the calorie warnings arenât enough and they are going to start demanding that food over a certain value is to be banned by law. Then they will probably demand a ban on eating in public [we all know it sends the wrong signals]. They are already demanding a ban on food advertising.
Of course there is a simple way of virtually eliminating the âobesity epidemicâ at one stroke. All they have to do is raise their obviously wrong idea of the ideal weight. If you claim that all men should weigh no more than ten stone, then you are going to have a fantastically overweight population. If your ideal figure is fifteen stone then the problem disappears.
There again, what is this obsession with weight and waste size? Neither are any indication of obesity. A thirty four inch waist on a five footer is probably overdoing it, whereas the same waist size on a six footer is quite average. I have heard tell that the entire Irish rugby team would fail the Body Mass Index test, so would you consider them unhealthy?
What really pisses me off about all this Nanny interference is that there are much more urgent problems.
If they are so fucking worried about our health, why arenât they doing something about the 60,000 who are waiting for hospital procedures?
God give me fucking strength.
GD, I visit home – WICKLOW – 3 or 4 times a year and don’t notice many overweight people in Ireland.
However, I also visit the UK on business every month and, believe me, the number of fat people (yes FAT and overweight) in the UK is quite noticeable. But I think that people in the UK probably eat more fast food than us or maybe there are other social reasons.
Oh, and by the way, RIP Frank Carson.
Mossy – In fairness though, would you say the two thirds of men and half all women are overweight even in the UK? At best I would class the overweight as a significant minority.
And indeed, RIP Frank.
No, certainly not as many as that but certainly more than you see in Ireland.
In fact, those figures are bullshit any way you look at them as there are certainly many more overweight women in the UK than men. And that’s based on observations during a 2-3 day visit every month since last July.
Give free cigarettes to all the fat fucks, they’re a proven appetite suppressant. Simples
Grandad, You are Ron Swanson.
Give up Smoking, Give up Drinking, Give up eating, next Wanking will be considered unhealthy. Although if you were to give up all the above you would have extra cash to donate to good causes like ASH !!!
Fuck it, I’m off to McDonalds & I’ll probably have a smoke in the car on the way, pretty soon all this will be banned too.
Everything these cunts do not like leads to a crisis of some kind.
Mossy – Of course the figures are bullshit, but you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait ’til we here about the millions who are dying from “overweight related diseases” and how they are costing us all trillions per day.
Desiegee – How could I possibly argue against that? Heh!
Holemaster – I had to look up Ron Swanson and I’m still none the wiser. Was that an insult or a compliment?
Lafsword – Did someone say they are going to outlaw wanking? What will all our politicians do?
You might like to have a chuckle at this little article from the Daily Fail.
Damn your low fat diet: How a reformed vegan gorges on all the foods his granny enjoyed… and has never felt better
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2105132/Damn-low-fat-diet-How-reformed-vegan-John-Nicholson-gorges-foods-granny-enjoyed–felt-better.html#ixzz1nEccK8XM
fuck, fuck, fuck and once more fuck.
It’s OK, yesterday I was told that I had not ticked a box confirming that I was a human being and as I could not find a fucking box that stipulated whether or fucking not i was:
a. A Zombie
b. An Extra terrestial.
c. Â fucking Irish
d. Â A Human being, I was debarred from commenting.
As for fat bastards, they can, using an old Naval term, thin out and fuck off.
There, that covers migration as well.
I suppose their statistics go by according to what THEIR idea of ‘overweight’ is…….
don’t worry, i’m sending my dr over march 9-26..he’ll fix it
Filthy – For once, an article that is spot on. All this healthist shit will kill us if we don;t avoid it. My parents and my generation never worried about all this “5 a day” crap and we didn’t exactly worry about calories either. none of us could remotely have ever been called fat, let alone obese.
Incidentally, 14½ stone and 5ft 10in is clinically obese? For fuck’s sake! A tad on the cuddly side maybe [as Herself would say].
Patrick – Sorry about the tick box. It pissed off Cat too. An experiment that went badly wrong.
The evidence that eating lost of bad food is good for you has been in the public domain for some months!