There has been a noticeable trend on this site lately.
Once upon a time, back in the dim distant days of history this site was visited by a moxy load of Irish. Thatâs not really surprising as this is an Irish site. However that changed after a while. To my horror I realised a load of Merkans were dropping in to the extent that there were more of them than the Irish. They remained top dog for a very long time,
In the last year or two there has been another phenomenon â the rise of the Brits. More and more of âem were dropping by and they successfully nudged Ireland into third place. Lately they have even been overtaking the Merkans.
There are quite a few advantages to this. The main advantage is that the Brits have a better idea than the Merkans how to spell. Iâm not saying that the Brits are perfect but at least they know which side a fanny is on and and how âcolourâ should be spelt.
Some years ago I made an attempt to teach the Merkans a drop of grammar and spelling but they were too busy bombing Iraq at the time to take any notice. I gave up on that one.
Of course I have to be a tad more careful now with my little scribbles. I have the whole of the Atlantic between me and Merka which makes a physical attack less likely. However the Irish Sea is a good deal narrower, and a riled Brit could land on my doorstep within an hour or two of my posting something that annoyed them.
As for the Irish? My Irish visitors have been dropping off faster than Greeceâs credit rating. They are currently in danger of being overtaken by Canada and Cambodia. Cambodia, for fuckâs sake!
So thatâs where all the Irish are emigrating to?
 “I have the whole of the Atlantic between me and Merka which makes a physical attack less likely.”
Don’t count on it old man. If we can fly to the other side of the planet to bomb the shit out of Korea and Vietnam we can sure a hell do a job on your wee manor in Ireland.
I, myself, will be flying over your abode on May 11 this year on my way to bomb Patrick’s hovel so watch out.
I hope you include us “expats” in the number of Irish who visit the site.
Merkans are too busy invading Afghanistan and burning Korans to pay any attention to you.
Eh! Hello, I’m still here. I promise to turn the lights out when I leave.
I won’t be going to Cambodia, although it would probably easier on the pocket to live there and they may have a better Health system too.
I still have my Rocket project, maybe Mars or beyond, on a five year mission to discover new worlds and civilizations, to boldly go where no man………..eh sorry lost the plot there for a bit.
GD, I can also mount a warhead on the rocket and sent The Merkans an early Happy 4th of July, Heh! I just need to find one of those Warhead ‘Knackers’ from the lovely Joyce or Quinn/McDonagh Clans.
Would’ja look at dat, another Oirish Flag above.
tt – Flying over? Why don’t you drop in? Heh!
Mossy – All I can do is see where people are coming from. The Interweb may be smart, but it ain’t so fucking smart that it can tell a person’s origins [yet].
Slab – You are one of The Few, and God knows our numbers are dwindling by the day. You must really hate Merkans if you intend to use a Knacker Warhead? One of those can do far more damage than a megaton nuclear one.
yeaa i am human again! ty for unticking my box grandad 😉
i can only respond that me da was irish (well his da’s da was) and moved to newfoundland. mum’s mum was brit, so put me down as canadian irish brit and i use “U”s to spell correctly, as in coloUr not color, and it is cheque not check.Â
Cat – I always like to tick people’s boxes. Isn’t Newfoundland more Irish than Ireland? I have heard tell that yiz have Irish pubs and all there [and I’m not talking about those fucking diddly-eye places that call themselves Irish]
Ahhh .. “Irish Sea”, the name of my latest Peterson Pipe (shape No 221, if you’re interested Grandad)Â with which I’m highly delighted ..
And in keeping with the sentiment of the above caveat, I’m not advertising .. merely saying .. 😉
GD, Never in the history of grandadkind have so many owed so much to so few, to paraphrase a famous fat cigar smoker.
“we shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in streets and on the hills. We shall never surrender”, oh! shit I’ve gone off the beam again. You’ll get the point though.
Love The Notice for (Gobshites) Spammers.
I’ve got the Pennines and Liverpool to cross before I could get any where near you GD. I believe one of my ancestors back in the 1700s was part Jewish so does that make me almost  an Irishman.
Haddock – Advertising of pipes is completely different, as well you know. I have a few Petersons myself – great pipes! Just been poking around their site. Nice design but damned difficult to find anything specific!
Slab – Have you been at those mushrooms again? I warned you before about them.
Toper – What?? Ireland is spelled I R E L A N D, not I S R A E L. Did no one tell you?
* Hic!*…
On my way Grandad, overnight boat, have the big fry up ready.
Oh btw am picking up TTT on the way, has absolutley no sense of direction, so make that brekkie for 2..K.x
Slab – I know! Indigestion from those magic mushrooms can be a right bugger.
Jam M – Do you have the right address? It could be handy?
Who is TTT?
I have no intention of visiting Ireland, last time I was there you lot kept shooting at me!
Pete, It’s usually not a good idea to visit Ireland in Army Combats with a Union Jack on whilst carrying a big threatening weapon. Please try your civvies next time, I’ll buy you a nice Pint of Guinness.
Doh, I knew I was going wrong somewhere Grandad!
Slabe even!!! It’s early o’clock 😉
And to make things worse, not all of your Irish regulars are, in fact, Irish.
All I can do is see where people are coming from. The Interweb may be smart, but it ainât so fucking smart that it can tell a personâs origins [yet].
Well that’s a bit rich seeing as you know that I’m from Wicklow – not fair GD!!
Jedrzej – Sorry, but you are Irish whether you like it or not. Just check the little flag. 😉
Mossy – I only know you’re from Wicklow because you told me.Â