Scientists or scum
There has been a quare bit of excitement over at CERN over the last few days.
They are hoping they may have discovered proof of the Higgs Bosun particle, otherwise known as the God Particle and are lepping around in pure excitement. Proof of its existence would tie up so many theories on the origins of the Universe and the structure of matter itself. Heady stuff.
However, they are being cautious. They are pretty sure that they have found it but they are holding back on an official announcement because they want to be absolutely sure, and that wonât happen for months yet.
These are the scientists I have admired since developing an interest in physics back in my schooldays. The great names of Einstein, Newton, Bohr and the like have blazed a path of glory through our knowledge of the Universe and I have looked up to them as gods.
They are true scientists.
Where then did the modern breed of $cientist come from? The so called âexpertâ whose quest for knowledge is irrelevant compared to their quest for money and prestige? I am talking about those who will bend, distort and conceal facts simply in order to obtain grants, and retain political favour. Compare the quest for Higgs Bosun with the studies on climate change or the studies into tobacco smoke. There is no comparison. CERN wonât announce their proof until they have flipped a metaphorical coin and got twenty heads in a row, but the others will produce any old rubbish in order to suck up millions in grant money.
Can you imagine the scientists in CERN shutting down their Collider and declaring that the science is now closed? Are they rushing out press releases saying that there is unanimous consensus that Higgs Bosun exists? No. They want proof and they will continue to strive for that proof. If they donât find it, they wonât pretend they have. They will simply scrap the Higgs Bosun theory and start again.
Compared to the CERN physicists, the climate crowd and the anti-smoking crowd are nothing short of scum.
They sully the very name of science.
But the “scum” to which you refer are nothing compared to the “experts scum” of the EU.
Consider “Prunes are not a laxative EU rules”
And “Drinking water cannot claim to it prevents dehydration”
And these people are “experts” – I give up.
Mossy – Don’t worry. They are implicitly included firmly in the Scum area. “Findings” that are so blatantly laughable that no one of any intelligence can possibly believe them.
By the by, I always thought a Bosun was a person on a ship and a collider was a yoke with holes in it for straining water off vegies and stuffs.
Am I missing something here ?
Mossy – You are right about the Bosun. I think his job is something to do with ropes, or maybe rum? I always strain my vegetables using a shiv.
I have allways understood the a specialist is someone knows more and more about less and less, until he knows everything about nothing
We should switch off the gravity until they “fall” off the Earth. Do they have any proof that increasing the price of cigarettes will save Europe? I’d love to hear that one.
A Grandad – The only thing that’s worse than a specialist who knows nothing and that is a specialist who thinks he’s an expert.
Droogie – Good thinking! Or else we could dump ’em in a Black Hole? And ASH maintain that increasing tobacco prices reduces consumption. We have the highest prices in Europe but do we have the lowest smoking rates? Hah!
Well if they prove this one, then we can collect all the carbon taxes and send them to God to fix our problems! QED
And they ask why the EU is failing?
I’m sure I recall a Bo’sun by the name of Higgs, y’know. Quare hawk- very quiet and you’d hardly notice him around the place except on pay day and at the first whiff of decent rum. Heard he went overboard in Portsmouth but sure don’t we all. Aye- a quare particular article he was alright.
In fairness though they are spending the money looking for him I’d say. The equipment the lifeboatmen have these days is fairly spectacular alright but they’d be well advised to shift it to Portsmouth harbour or the Particular Articulator will surely run out of kerosene by Tuesday. Hope they find him soon anyway as the sister and the mother are down at the harbour wall every day this last couple of years waiting on news. Poor old Higgs. Sure he wasn’t the worst.
I’ve written off the ten bob anyway even if the women haven’t. Skin a feckin’ flea for its hide. Still if they’ve glimpsed Higgs there’ll surely be a corpse sooner or later and the women won’t feel quite so cheated. The do love a good funeral. Here’s me bus.
Are you an actual idiot or just pretending to be one for your readers?
Now we have two groups of scientists. The good ones who agree with GD and the scum who don’t. You excel yourself today old chap.
There’s real science as Groandad says and then there is lobbying. The latter is a fairly new addition to the scientific process and requires very little real intelligence which means even Americans can do it. In fact they produce much of it. The best so far was the lady doctor on US TV who invented the theory that people who smoke outside the home and then re-enter the home raise the risk of their children growing up to believe in Fox News substantially and then dies horrible, painful deaths apparently. The fact that the good lady doctor is a putz and hasn’t noticed that processed American food kills more Americans than the Bush family has yet to dawn.
Indeed there are two groups.Â
One group formulates a theory and runs exhaustive experiments to prove the theory. If the experiments fail, the theory is scrapped and a new one formulated.
The other group formulates a “fact” and then bends, twists and distorts the figures to fit that “fact”.Â
Indeed. The anit-smokers formulated their facts and then ran hundreds of pseudo scientific studies in order to select a handful that gave a 2 sigma signal (95%). A handful of such results is exactly what you would expect by chance.
By contrast the real scientists at CERN already have 2 out of 2 studies both at around 2.8 sigma (99.8%) and quite rightly they are still being cautious.