The Nerd speaks
My “Technical advisor” [Hah! Nerd is more like it] has asked me to write something for him.
He has rightly fucked up his own site that used to be He has moved it to but has somehow screwed things up [as only he can do] so that the old address won’t work at all.
He has asked me to ask any of you lot who visit his site to change the address if you have it bookmarked. I told him it was a waste of time and that he would be better off letting the site die a natural and humane death. I also pointed out the the new name was far to long, but would he listen? Would he fuck!
Anyway, I have passed on the message. I have earned my three pints.
I drive a hard bargain.
It used to be that a plumber or a car mechanic was everybody’s friend. Now it’s a computer geek.
Off topic but I trust all you climate change ostriches in the N.E. states over here are enjoying your December in October. I’m off to an outdoor Hallowe’en party. Wrap up well around the firepit. I’m going as Patrick. Should scare the shit out of everyone.
My nuts are roasting on an open fire, figuratively speaking, nornally they’re on your chin.
Hahahahahahaha! tt 0 Patrick 1
Overall I would say the score is tt 38 and Patrick 46
Really? I have the old address bookmarked. I just tried it and it redirected just fine although the URL in the address bar of my browser still showed and not Either way I don’t have to change the bookmark address but I will anyway just ‘cuz you asked.
And I’m completely ignoring the previous comments as they are completely and utterly off topic (good one Patrick).
TT – Nerds have their uses. Apart from fixing computers and fucking up websites they atr also quite good at minding the house while I’m down the pub.
Brainf – I dunno what I’ll do if those two ever make up? Life will be quite boring.
Kirk M – I think he has that sorted now. He’s gone off to bed with some Valium anyway.