Wet news
I just fired up the old laptop to see if I could have a wee dose of Sharon.
Surprisingly enough, there she was in all her glory.
At first, the fucking connection kept breaking down, but after wandering around the place, I found a spot where the signal is actually constant and I can watch the news. Luckily the water in the lake isn’t too cold, and I have to be careful not to drop the laptop.
So they are talking of dropping the charge to inspect my septic tank? I should fucking think so. Any fucking inspector who wants to stick his nose in my tank is going to get a lot closer look than he expected. My shite is my business, so to speak, and I resent any gubmint wanker poking around in it, even if it is a case of like meeting like.
In the meantime, I shall leave you all with a photograph of our humble pad, Seeing as I am already wet, having to stand here for the Interweb, I thought I might as well take a photo.
Nice diggs you lucky bum. I hope you’re having a wonderful time.
It’s actually a lot nicer than it looks so I can’t complain. Well. I can [and frequently do] but not today.
Did you wear the high-vis vest in the lake?
I hope it is better than it looks ‘cos it looks a right shit hole. It bears a striking resemblance to the accomodations in Papillon. Why don’t you post some photies of Les Francoise you were gabbing about yesterday? Don’t know why I can’t get out of these italics. I am having a lovely time here at your Manor. You might have left it a bit cleaner though.
‘Fraid I have to agree with tt, GD. The Septic Tank there looks to be fucked. I hope they don’t send the inspectors.
If they think they are going to inspect my tank, they can either fuck off or be added as bacterial agent. Or I might shut the thing down and send the council my ‘residue’ in the absence of a sewerage system. I don’t see why I should be penalised ‘cos I have a hole in the garden for my dung while all the fucking townies get to poo for free.
The idea of GD stood in that “lake” reminds me of another movie. African Queen.
I’ll bet the lake is full of ‘Bogies’ too.
i’m so jealous i hate you
naww i kid i could never hate you! have a grand time looks lovely i’m off the 9th for my own relax vaca of a week
Ian – There was no need. There were no boats or cars so I was quite safe from collision.
TT – I didn’t have my camera with me. I might bring it next time. Or I might not. And if the Manor is a bit scruffy it’s because our K8 is there too. Or haven’t you met the mob yet?
Slab – For fuck’s sake! It’s a lake, not a cesspit. It even has fish. The little buggers make quite a splash when they hop around. There are fishing rods around the side of the house but I haven’t tried catching anything.
Cat – Thank you for bringing an element of calm civility amidst all this cynicism and negativity.
Just watch out for the little brown ones GD. Heh!
Get in that pond and you are likely to catch something.
Fat Frogs……maybe the odd Sarkozy.
Looks like you can use some Dupont lures,the kind were you pull the pin and lob it in the lake.